home a database of composers who also happen to be women

beach boulanger clarke crawford hensel kapralova maconchy mägi pejacevic smyth tailleferre schumann
beach boulanger clarke crawford hensel kapralova maconchy mägi pejacevic smyth tailleferre wieck

Not merely recovering and revalidating missing heroines of the past but shifting a paradigm.

About this list: Only composers of classical music, whose works have been released by a commercial label or published in print by an independent sheet music publisher are included in this database; however, exceptions will be considered for the notable historical women composers whose works have been made available online in a high quality performance. Composers are listed in alphabetical order and their name is followed by the date and country of their birth (which may occasionally differ from their nationality or country of residence). Many of historical composers are now listed on wikipedia and information about the current composers can be found online; therefore, we no longer provide links to composers' websites or their webpages administered by music information centers and composer associations. If you know of a woman composer who meets the above criteria but whose name has been omitted, please write to us: society[at]kapralova[dot]org. If you are proposing a contemporary artist, please note that only professionally trained composers whose music has been released by a peer-recognized commercial label or published in print by an independent publishing house will be considered, and that the Society reserves the right to approve your nomination. Composers who specialize in electroacoustic and experimental music, stage, film, and jazz music, and sound art are listed in a separate database.


Abbott, Katy [1971] Australia
Aborn, Lora [1907-2005] USA
Aboulker, Isabelle [1938] France
Agnesi, Maria Teresa [1720-1795] Italy
Agudelo Murguia, Graciela [1945] Mexico
Alberga, Eleanor [1949] Jamaica
Albert, Adrienne [20th cent.] USA
Alcalay, Luna [1928] Croatia
Alexander, Leni [1924-2005] Chile
Alexandra, Liana [1947] Romania
Ali-zadeh, Franghiz [1947] Azerbaijan
Allitsen, Frances [1849-1912] England
Alotin, Yardena [1930-1994] Israel
Alston, Lettie Beckon [1953] USA
Anderson, Beth [1950] USA
Anderson, Olive [1917-1995] Australia
Andrée, Elfrida [1841-1929] Sweden
Anna Amalia, Princess of Prussia [1723-1787]
Anna Amalia von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach [1739-1807]
Anna Inglese [c15th Cent] Italy
Ansink, Caroline [1959] Netherlands
Appledorn, Mary Jeanne (van) [1927] USA
Archer, Violet [1913-2000] Canada
Armer, Elinor [1939] USA
Arrieu, Claude [1903-1990] France
Assandra, Caterina [c1580-1622?] (Lombardy) Italy
Auerbach, Lera [20th cent.] USA
Auenbrugger, Marianna von [1759-1782] Austria
Aulin, Laura Valborg [1860-1928] Sweden
Auster, Lydia [1912-1993] Kazakhstan
Austin, Elizabeth [1938] USA


Bacewicz, Grazyna [1909-1969] Poland
Bach, Maria [1896-1978] Austria
Backer Grøndahl, Agathe [1847-1907] Norway
Badarzewska-Baranowska, Tekla [1834-1861] Poland
Badalla, Rosa Giacinta [c1660-c1715] (Milan) Italy
Badian, Maya [1945] Romania
Ballou, Esther WIlliamson [1915-1973] USA
Baptista, Gracia [c16th cent.] Spain
Barnett, Carol [1949] USA
Barns, Ethel [1980?–1948] England
Barraine, Elsa [1910-1999] France
Barthélemon, Cecilia Maria [1770-?] England
Barthélemon, Mary Polly [1749-1799] England
Bartosch Edström, Carin [1965] Sweden
Basacopol, Carmen Petra [1926] Romania
Bauckholt, Carola [1959] Germany
Bauer, Marion [1882-1955] USA
Bauld, Alison [1944] Australia
Bayreuth, Wilhelmine (von) [1709-1758] Germany
Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney [1867-1944] USA
Beamish, Sally [1956] United Kingdom
Beath, Betty [1932] Australia
Beatrice de Romans [c13th Cent] France
Beau, Luise Adolpha (le) [1850-1927] Germany
Beclard d'Harcourt, Marguerite [1884-1964] France
Bell, Elizabeth [1928] USA
Bembo, Antonia [1643-c1715] (Venice) Italy
Benedetti, Josefina [1953] Venezuela
Bergh, Gertrude van den [1793-1840] Netherlands
Bertin, Louise Angelique [1805-1877] France
Betinis, Abbie [1980] USA
Bingen, Hildegard (von) [1098-1179] today's Germany
Bigot, Marie [1786-1820] France
Bilsland, Ethel Edith [1892-1982] United Kingdom
Bingham, Judith [1952] United Kingdom
Birgitta of Sweden [c1303-c1373]
Bitgood, Roberta [1908-2007] USA
Blanc de Fontbelle, Cecile [1892-1973] France
Simone Blanchard [1893–?] France
Blanche of Castile [c1188-1252] Spain
Bliss, Marilyn [1954] USA
Bloomer Deussen, Nancy [1931-2019] USA
Bodorova, Sylvie [1954] Czech Republic
Boissier-Butini, Caroline [1786-1836] (Genève) Switzerland
Boleyn, Anne [1507-1536] England
Bon di Venezia, Anna [c1738-c1767] (Venice) Italy
Bond, Victoria [1945] USA
Bonds, Margaret Allison [1913-1972] USA
Bonis, Melanie [1858-1937] France
Bor, Modesta [1926-1999] Venezuela
Borisova-Ollas, Victoria [1969] Russia
Borroff, Edith [1925] USA
Bosanquet, Caroline [1940] United Kingdom
Bosmans, Henriëtte Hilda [1895-1952] Netherlands
Bottini, Marianna [1802-1858] (Lucca) Italy
Bouchard, Linda [1957] Canada
Boulanger, Lili [1893-1918] France
Boulanger, Nadia [1887-1979] France
Josephine Boulay [1869–1925] France Boyd, Anne [1946] Australia
Boyle, Ina [1889-1967] Ireland
Brake, May Hannah [1885-1956] England
Brandman, Margaret [1951] Australia
Branscombe, Gena [1881-1977] Canada
Brenet, Thérèse [1935] France
Bright, Dora Estella [1863-1951] England
Brillon de Jouy, Anne Louise [1744–1824] France
Britton, Dorothy Guyver [1922] USA
Britton Smith, Irene [1907–1999] USA
Brockman, Jane [1949] USA
Brouwer, Margaret [1940] USA
Brukenthal, Bertha von [1846-1908] Austria
Brusa, Elisabetta [1954] Italy
Bruzdowicz, Joanna [1943] Poland
Buchanan, Dorothy [1945] New Zealand
Buechner, Margaret [1922-1998] Germany
Byström, Britta [1977] Sweden


Caccini, Francesca [1587-c1645] (Florence) Italy
Canal, Marguerite [1890-1978] France
Capdeville, Constança [1937-1992] Portugal
Capio, Iseut de [c1140-?] France
Capuis, Matilde [1913] Italy
Carignan, Nicole [1952] Canada
Carr-Boyd, Ann [1938] Australia
Carreño, Teresa [1853-1917] Venezuela
Cartier, Marguerite (Rhené Jaque) [1918] Canada
Carwithen, Doreen [1922-2003] United Kingdom
Case, Anna [1889-1938] USA
Castelloza, Dame [c13th Cent] France
Castelnau, Almucs de [c1140] France
Castro-Robinson, Eve de [1956] New Zealand
Casulana, Maddalena [c1540-c1590] Italy
Cernovska, Zoja [1960] Czech Republic
Cervenkova, Milada [1947] Czech Republic
Chaminade, Cecile [1857-1944] France
Chandler, Mary [1911-1996] United Kingdom
Charrière, Caroline [1960] Switzerland
Chen Yi [1953] China
Chizy, Edith Canat de [1950] France
Chretien, Hedwige [1859-1944] France
Ciobanu, Maia [1952] Romania
Clarke, Rebecca [1886-1979] United Kingdom
Clingan, Judith [1945] Australia
Clostre, Adrienne [1921-2006] France
Cloud, Judith [20th cent.] USA
Coates, Gloria [1938] USA
Cohen, Alla Elana [20th cent.] Russia
Cormontan, Theodora [1840-1922] Norway
Cory, Eleanor [1943] USA
Cotton, I'lana Sandra [1946] USA
Coulthard, Jean [1908-2000] Canada
Covatti, Helene [1910–2005] Greece
Cox, Cindy [1961] USA
Cozzolani, Chiara Margarita [1602-c1678] (Milan) Italy
Cramer, Anna [1873-1968] Netherlands
Crawford-Seeger, Ruth [1901-1953] USA
Cruz, Juana Inez de la [1648-1695] Mexico


Dalberg, Nancy [1881-1949] Denmark
Daniels, Mabel [1878-1971] USA
Dare, Margaret Marie [1902-1976] United Kingdom
Davidson, Tina [195?] Sweden
De Castro-Robinson, Eve [1956] New Zealand
De Dregnau de Lille, Maroie [13th Cent.] France
De Kenessey, Stefania [1961] Hungary
De Pastel, Karen [1949] USA
de Rossi, Romana Camilla [18th Cent] Italy
Decruck, Fernande> [1896–1954] France
Dedieu-Peters, Madeleine [1889–1947] France
Delage-Prat, Isabelle [1860-1945] France
Del Riego, Theresa [1876-1968] England
Dell'Acqua, Eva [1856-1930] Belgium
Demar, Theresia [1801-18?] France
Demessieux, Jeanne [1921-1968] France
Dering, Lady Mary (Mary Harvey) [1629-1704] England
Desportes, Yvonne [1907-1993] France
Dickenson-Auner, Mary [1880-1965] Ireland
Diemer, Emma Lou [1927–2024] USA
Dinescu, Violeta [1953] Romania
Dolgorouky, Princess Varvara N. [1769-1849] Russia
Donceanu, Felicia [1931] Romania
Drattell, Deborah [1956] USA
Dring, Madeleine [1923-1977] United Kingdom
Dussek-Corri, Sophia [1775-1847?] England
(Mlle) Duval, Louise [1718?-1775?] France
Dvorakova, Marketa [1977] Czech Republic
Dychko, Lesia [20th cent.] Ukraine


Eckhardt-Gramatté, Sophie-Carmen [1899-1974] Russia
Eiriksdottir, Karolina [1951] Iceland
Ekizian, Michelle [1956] USA
Elizabeth I, Queen of England [1533-1603]
Elkington, Lilian [1900–1969] UK
Ellicott, Rosalind [1857-1924] United Kingdom
Epstein, Marti [1959] USA
Erding-Swiridoff, Susanne [1955] Germany
Escot, Pozzi [1933] USA
Esmail, Reena [1983] USA


Fabianska, Teresa [1760-18?] Poland
Fábregas, Elisénda [1955] Spain
Faisst, Clara [1872-1948] Germany
Farrenc, Louise [1804-1875] France
Faxon, Nancy [1914-2005] USA
Faye-Jozin, Helene-Fredérique de [1871-1942] France
Ferrari, Carlotta [1831-1907] Italy
Fine, Vivian [1913-2000] USA
Finzi, Graciane [1945] Morocco
Firsova, Elena [1950] Russia
Fisher, Helen [20th cent.] New Zealand
Fleischer, Tsippi [1946] Israel
Folio, Cynthia [1954] USA
Fontyn, Jacqueline [1930] Belgium
Fowler, Jennifer [1939] Australia
Frances-Hoad, Cheryl [1980] United Kingdom
Frank, Gabriela Lena [1972] USA
Freed, Dorothy [1919-2000] New Zealand
Freer, Eleanor Everest [1864-1942] USA
French, Tania Gabrielle [1963] USA
Frolyak, Bohdana [20th cent.] Ukraine
Fromm-Michaels, Ilse [1888-1986] Germany
Fuchs, Lillian [20th cent.] USA


Gabriel, Mary Ann Virginia [1825-1877] England
Gaigerova, Varvara [1903-1944] Russia
Galbraith, Nancy [1951] USA
Galinne, Rachel [1949] Sweden
(de) Gambarini, Elisabetta [1731-1765] England
Gardiner, Mary [1932-2010] Canada
Garrop, Stacy [1969] USA
Garsenda, Countess of Provence [1191-1215]
Garuta, Lucija [1902-1977] Latvia
Garwood, Margaret [1927] USA
Gentile, Ada [1947] Italy
Ghandar, Ann [1943] Australia
Gideon, Miriam [1906-1996] USA
Gifford, Helen [1935] Australia
Gines, Teodora [c16th Cent] Cuba
Gipps, Ruth [1921-1999] England
Giraud, Suzanne [1958] France
Giuliani, Emilia [1813-1850] Austria
Glanville-Hicks, Peggy [1912-1990] Australia
Golovina, (Countess) Varvara Nikolaievna [1766-1821] Russia
Gomelskaya, Julia [1964] Ukraine
Goolkasian Rahbee, Dianne [1938] USA
Gorelova, Galina [1951] Belarussia
Gotkovsky, Ida [1933] France
Gould, Janetta [1926] United Kingdom
Gourzi, Konstantia [1962] Greece
Gow, Dorothy [1893-1982] United Kingdom
Grandval, Marie [1830-1907] France
Granillo, María [1962] Mexico
Grenfell, Maria [1969] Malaysia
Grier, Lita [1937] USA
Grimstad, Birgitte [1935] Norway
Grumbach, Marthe [1877-1932] France
Gubaidulina, Sofia Asgatovna [1931-2025] Russia
Gubitosi, Emilia [1887-1972] Italy
Gyring, Elizabeth [1906-1970] Austria


Hagenberg, Elaine [c.1979] USA
Hall, Juliana [1958] USA
Hall, Pauline [1890-1969] Norway
Hamer, Janice [1947] USA
Hamilton, Janet [20th cent.], United Kingdom
Hammarsköld, Emilie Holmberg [1821-1854] Sweden
Harbach, Barbara[1946] USA
Hardin, Elisabeth [c1770-?] England
Harrison, Annie Fortescue [1851-1944] USA
Harrison, Pamela [1915-1990] England
Harrison, Sadie [1965] Australia
Harrison, Susie Frances (Riley) [1859-1935] Canada
Harvey, Mary (Lady Dering) [1629-1704] England
Havrylets, Hanna [20th cent.] Ukraine
Heller, Barbara [1936] Germany
Henderson, Moya [1941] Australia
Henderson, Ruth Watson [1932] Canada
Hensel, Fanny Mendelssohn [1805-1847] Germany
Herbert, Muriel [1897-1984] United Kingdom
Herrad of Landsberg [1167-1195]
Héritte-Viardot, Louise [1841-1918] France
Hewitt-Jones, Anita [1926] England
Higdon, Jennifer [1962] USA
Hildegard von Bingen [1098-1179] today's Germany
Hill, Mirrie [1892-1986] Australia
Hindman, Dorothy [1966] USA
Hoijer, Anna Ovena [17th cent.] Netherlands
Holland, Dulcie [1913-2000] Australia
Holmes, Augusta [1847-1903] France
Holmsen, Borghild [1865-1938] Norway
Holst, Imogen [1907-1984] United Kingdom
Hölszky, Adriana [1953] Romania
Holt, Nora Douglas [1885-1974] USA
Holt, Patricia Blomfield [1910] Canada
Hong, Sungji [1973] Korea
Hoover, Katherine [1937] USA
Hopekirk, Helen [1856-1945] United Kingdom
Carita von Horst [1864–1935] USA
Horrocks, Amy Elsie [1867-1920] United Kingdom
Hovda, Eleanor [1940] USA
Howe, Mary [1882-1964] USA
Howell, Dorothy [1898-1982] United Kingdom
Hubicki, Margaret [1915] United Kingdom
Hui, Melissa [1966] Hong Kong
Hurh, Bang-Ja [1943] Korea
Hwang, Serra Miyeun [20th cent.] Korea
Hyde, Miriam [1913-2005] Australia


Isabella Leonarda [1620-1704] Italy
Ivanova, Advotia [18th Cent] Russia


Jacquet de la Guerre, Elisabeth Claude [1665-1729] France
Jaëll-Trautmann, Marie [1846-1925] France
Janarcekova, Viera [1941–2023] Slovakia
Janotha, Natalia [1856-1932] Poland
Jaque, Rhene (b. Marguerite Cartier) [1918-2006] Canada
Jazwinski, Barbara [1950] Poland
Jolas, Betsy [1926] France


Kabat, Julie [1947] USA
Kakabadse, Lydia [1955] United Kingdom
Kaminsky, Laura [1956] USA
Kang, Jung Sun [1983] USA
Kapralova, Vitezslava [1915-1940] Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic)
Karamessini, Ekaterini [1967] USA
Kashperova, Leokadiya [1872-1940] Russia
Kassia [c810-c867] Greece
Kats-Chernin, Elena [1957] Uzbekistan
Kavina, Lydia [1967] Russia
Keal, Minna [1909-1999] United Kingdom
(de) Kenessey, Stefania [1961] Hungary
Ker, Dorothy [1965] New Zealand
Kerr, Louise Lincoln [1892-1977] USA
Kessler-Schumiatcher, Minuetta [1914] Russia
King, Betty Jackson [1928-1994] USA
Kinkel, Johanna[1810-1858] Germany
Kladas, daughter of Ioannes [14th cent.] Greece
Klotzman, Dorothy [1937] USA
Kolb, Barbara [1939] USA
Koster, Lou [1889-1973] Luxembourg
Kourakina, (Princess) Natalia Ivanovna [1768?-1831] Russia
Kouvaras, Linda [1960] Australia
Kralik, Mathilde von [1857-1944] Austria
Kruisselbrink, Astrid [1972] The Netherlands
Kukuck, Felicitas [1914-2001] Germany
Kulenty, Hanna [1961] Poland
Kuss, Margarita Ivanovna [1921-2009] Russia
Kuyper, Elisabeth [1877-1953] The Netherlands
Kyrylina, Iryna [1953] Ukraine
