a database of composers who also happen to be women
bauer |
bonis |
farrenc |
gubaidulina |
de la guerre |
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lutyens |
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L.H. of Liverpool, Miss [18th-19th Cent] England
Lacaze, Sophie [1963] France
Laitman, Lori [20th cent.] USA
Lam, Bun-Ching [20th cent.] China
Landowska, Wanda [1879–1959] Poland
Lane, Liz [20th-cent.] UK
Lang, Josephine [1815-1880] Germany
Lang, Margaret Ruthven [1867-1972] USA
Langer, Lena [1970] Russia
Lann, Vanessa [20th cent.] USA
Larsen, Libby [1950] USA
Lauer, Elizabeth [1932] USA
Laurin, Anna-Lena [20th cent.] Sweden
Leach, Mary Jane [1949] USA
Le Beau, Luise Adolpha [1850-1927] Germany
LeBrun-Danzi, Franziska [1756-1791] (Mannheim) Germany
Lee, Hope [1953] Taiwan
LeFanu, Nicola [1947] United Kingdom
Lehmann, Liza [1862-1918] United Kingdom
Lejet, Edith [1941] France
Leleu, Jeanne [1898-1979] France
Léon, Tania [1943] Cuba
Leonarda, Isabella [1620-1704] Italy (Novara)
Leplae, Claire [1912] Belgium
Levina, Zara [1906-1976] Russia
Licite, Paula [1889-1966] Latvia
Licoschin, Catherine (de) [c1800-?] Russia
Liebmann, Helene [1796-18?] Germany
Lomon, Ruth [20th cent.] USA
Loudova, Ivana [1941] Czech Republic
Louie, Alexina [1949] Canada
Luengen, Ramona [1960] Canada
Lund, Birgit [1843-1913] Sweden
Lund, Signe [1868-1950] Norway
Lutyens, Elisabeth [1906-1984] United Kingdom
Lykochina, Ekaterina [c1780-c1840] Russia
Maclean, Clare [1958] Australia
Maconchy, Elizabeth [1907-1994] United Kingdom
Maddison, Adela [1866–1929] Ireland
Mageau, Mary Jane [1934] USA
Mägi, Ester [1922–2021] Estonia
Magidenko, Olga [1954] Germany
Maguire, Janet [1927] USA
Mahler-Werfel, Alma [1879-1964] Austria
Maier, Amanda [1853-1894] Sweden
Maillart, Aimee [1817-1871] Germany (?)
Makarova, Nina [1908-1976] Russia
Malibran, Maria Felicita [1808-1836] France
Malmborg Ward, Paula [1962] Sweden
Malmlöf-Forssling, Carin [1916] Sweden
Mamlok, Ursula [1928] Germany
Manning, Sasha Johnson [1963] United Kingdom
Manziarly, Marcelle (de) [1899-1989] France
Marbé, Myriam [1931-1997] Romania
Margaret of Austria [1480-1530]
Maria Paterina (La Contessa) [16-17th Cent] Germany
Maric, Ljubica [1909-2003] Serbia
Marie de France [1160-1215] France
Martinez, Marianne [1744-1812] Austria
Martinez, Odaline de la [1949] Cuba
Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots [1542-1587]
Paule Maurice [1910–1967] France
Mayer, Emilie [1821-1883] Germany
Mazzoli, Missy [20th cent.] USA
McDonald, Susan [20th cent.] USA
>McDowall, Cecilia [20th cent.] United Kingdom
McGill, Josephine [1877-1919] USA
McIntosh, Diana [1937] Canada
McLeod, Jennifer Helen [1941] New Zealand
McLin, Lena Johnson [1929] USA
McMichael, Catherine [1954] USA
McTee, Cindy [1953] USA
Meda, Bianca Maria [17th cent.] Italy
Meier, Margaret Shelton [1936] USA
Mekeel, Joyce [1931] USA
Mendelssohn, Fanny [1805-1847] Germany
Miller, Elma [1954] Canada
Mishell, Kathryn [1940] USA
Mochizuki, Misato [1969] Japan
Malmlöf-Forssling, Carin [20th cent.] Sweden
Monnot, Marguerite [1903–1961] France
Montgeroult, Helene (de) [1764-1836] France
Montgomery, Jessie [20th cent.] USA
Moon, Beata[after 1950] USA
Moore, Dorothy Rudd [1940] USA
Moore, Mary Carr [1873-1957] USA
Morlock, Jocelyn [1969–2023] Canada
Moore, Undine Smith [1904-1989] USA
Moss, Katie [1881-1947] United Kingdom
Moszumanska-Nazar, Krystyna [1924] Poland
Müller-Hermann, Johanna [1878-1941] Germany
Mukle, May [1880-1963] United Kingdom
Müller, Elise [1782-1849] Germany
Mundry, Isabel [1963] Germany
Munktell, Helena [1852-1919] Sweden
Musgrave, Thea [1928] United Kingdom
Na, Hyo-shin [20th cent.] Korea
Narbutaite, Onute [1956] Lithuania
Naryshkina, Maria L. [c1766-after 1802] Russia
Nathan, Mathilde Berendsen [1857-1926] Norway
Nava d'Adda, Francesca [1794-1877] Italy
Necasova, Jindra [1960] Czech Republic
Nelson, Marie Barker [1926] USA
Netzel, Laura [1839-1927] Finland
Niederberger, Maria A. [20th cent.] Switzerland
Nota, Lenka [1971] Czech Republic
O'Leary, Jane [1946] USA
Obrovska, Jana [1930-1987] (Czechoslovakia) now Czech Republic
Odagescu, Irina [1937] Romania
Olin, Elisabeth [1740-1812] United Kingdom
Olson, Tawnie [20th cent.] Canada
Orbeck, Anne-Marie [1911-1996] Norway
Ortiz, Guadalupe [17th-18th Cent] Mexico
Owen, Morfydd Llwyn [1891-1918] Wales, UK
Owens, Terry Winter [1941] USA
Oyens, Tera de Marez [1932-1996] Netherlands
Palmer, Florence Margaret Spencer [1900] United Kingdom
Panneton, Isabelle [1955] Canada
Panufnik, Roxanna [20th cent.] United Kingdom
Paradis, Maria Theresia von [1759-1824] Austria
Paraskevaidis, Graciela [1940] Argentina
Park, Maria Hester [1760-1813] England
Parker, Alice [1925] USA
Parker, Katharine [1886-1971] Tasmania
Parkyns, Beatrice [19th Cent] United Kingdom
Pavlova, Alla [1952] Russia
Pejacevic, Dora [1885-1923] Croatia
Pentland, Barbara [1912-2000] Canada
Perry, Julia [1924-1979] USA
Peruchona, Maria Xaveria [c1652-c1709] (Novara) Italy
Petrova, Elena [1929] Czech Republic
Phillips, Linda [1899-2002] Australia
Pierce, Alexandra [1934] USA
Pietsch, Edna Frida [1894-1982] USA
Pinel, Julie [1710?-1737] France
Pinosova, Katerina [1971] Czech Republic
Piper, Deidre [20th cent.] United Kingdom
Pizer, Elizabeth Hayden [1954] USA
Plé, Simone [1897 - 1986] France
Poldowski, Irena Regina [1880-1932] Belgium
Poston, Elizabeth [1905-1987] United Kingdom
Potes, Alba [1955] Columbia
Power, Sheila Mary [1903-1971] United Kingdom
Presti, Ida [1924?-1967] France
Price, Florence Beatrice [1887-1953] USA
Procaccini, Teresa [1934] Italy
Ptaszynska, Marta [1943] Poland
Puig-Roget, Henriette [1910-1992] France
Rahbee, Dianne Goolkasian [1938] USA
Rainier, Priaulx [1903-1986] South Africa
Ran, Shulamit [1949] Israel
Ratusinska-Zamuszko, Weronika [20th cent.] Poland
Raum, Elizabeth [1945] USA
Reese, Mona Lyn[1951] USA
Rehnquist, Karin [1957] Sweden
Reichardt, Louise [1779-1826] Germany
Remick Warren, Elinor [1900-1991] USA
Renié, Henriette [1875-1956] France
Reynolds, Belinda [20th cent.] USA
Richter, Marga [1926-2020] USA
Riley, Susan Frances Harrison (a.k.a. Seranus) [1857-1935] Canada
Risher, Anna Priscilla [1873-1945] USA
Robinson, Carol [1889-1979] USA
Robinson, Fanny [1831-1879] United Kingdom
Robles, Marisa [1937] Spain
Rodrigues, Maria Joachina [17th Cent] Mexico
Roentgen-Maier, Amanda [1853-1894] Sweden
Roesgen-Champion, Marguerite Sara [1894-1976] Switzerland
Rogatis, Teresa (de) [1893-1979] Italy
Rosa, Clotilde [1930] Portugal
Rossi, Romana Camilla (de) [18th Cent] Italy
Rotaru, Doina [1951] Romania
Rudow, Vivian Adelberg [1936] USA
Rueff, Jeanine [1922] France
Ruehr, Elena [1963] USA
Rusca, Claudia [1593-1676] (Milan) Italy
Saariaho, Kaija [1952–2023] Finland
Salvador, Matilde [1918] Spain
Samuel, Rhian [1944] United Kingdom
Sanders, Alma M. [1882-1956] USA
Sappho [ca 600 BC] Greece
Sarcina, Antonia [1963] Italy
Saxe-Meiningen, Princess Marie Elisabeth (von) [1853-1923] (Prussia) Germany
Saz, Leyla [1850-1936] Turkey
Schick, Philippine [1893-1970] Germany
Schmidt, Heather [1975] Canada
Schonthal, Ruth [1924-2006] Germany
Schumann, Clara [1819-1896] Germany
Schwendinger, Laura [20th cent.] USA
Seeger, Ruth Crawford [1901-1953] USA
Sehested, Hilda [1858-1936] Denmark
Seither, Charlotte [1965] Germany
Senfter, Johanna [1879-1961] Germany
Sergeyeva, Tatiana [1951] Russia
Sessa, Claudia [1570-1619?] (Lombardy) Italy
Shaffer, Jeanne Ellison [1925-2007] USA
Shapiro, Alex[1962] USA
Shatin, Judith [1949] USA
Shrude, Marilyn [20th cent.] USA
Sikora, Elzbieta [1943] Poland
Silberta, Rhea [1900-1959] USA
Silsbee, Ann [1930-2003] USA
Silver, Sheila [1946] USA
Simon, Cecile P. [1881-1970] France
Singer, Jeanne [1924-2000] USA
Siniavina, Ekaterina Alexeievna [18th-19th cent.] Russia
Sirmen, Maddalena Laura Lombardini [1745?-1818?] (Venice) Italy
Skarecky, Jana [1957] Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic)
Skog, Ylva [1963] Sweden
Smith, Alice Mary [1839-1884] United Kingdom
Smith, Irene Britton [1907-1999] USA
Smith, Linda Catlin [1957] USA
Smyth, Ethel [1858-1944] United Kingdom
Sohy, Charlotte [1887–1955] France
Soulage, Marcelle [1894-1970] Peru
Southam, Ann [1937] Canada
Sparkhall, Olivia [1976] United Kingdom
Speach, Bernadette [1948] USA
Specht, Judy [1943] Canada
Spencer, Williametta [1932] USA
Spinei, Cristina [1984] USA
Steemson, Miss [18th cent.] United Kingdom
Stephan, Naomi [1938] USA
Stewart, Dorothy [19th-20th Cent] New Zealand
Stirling, Elizabeth [1819-1895] United Kingdom
Strickland, Lily Teresa [1887-1958] USA
Strohl, Rita [1865–1941] France
Strozzi, Barbara [1619-1677] (Venice) Italy
Suchy, Gregoria Karides [1923] USA
Dana Suesse [1909-1987] USA
Sutherland, Margaret [1897-1984] Australia
Swain, Freda [1902-1985] United Kingdom
Szechenyi-Batthyany, Franciska [1783–1861] Hungary
Szymanowska, Maria Agata [1789-1831] Poland
Tabakova, Dobrinka [20th cent.] Bulgaria
Tailleferre, Germaine [1892-1983] France
Takano, Mari [1960] Japan
Talma, Louise [1906-1996] USA
Tanaka, Karen [1961] Japan
Tann, Hilary [1947] United Kingdom
Tarrodi, Andrea [1981] Sweden
Tate, Phyllis [1911-1985] United Kingdom
Taylor, Helen [1915–1950] USA
Tchemberdji, Katia [1960] Russia
Tegner, Alice [1864-1943] Sweden
Teichmuller, Anna [1861-1940] Germany
Telfer, Nancy [1950] Canada
Temple, Edith [19th-20th Cent] United Kingdom
Terzian, Alicia [1934] Argentina
Thomas, Augusta Read [1964] USA
Thomas, Jo [1972] United Kingdom
Thomas, Karen P. [1957] USA
Thome, Diane [1942] USA
Tober-Vogt, Elke [1957] Germany
Tower, Joan [1938] USA
Trimble, Joan [1915-2000] Ireland
Tulve, Helena [1972] Estonia
Turner, Elizabeth [d. 1756] United Kingdom
Tsepkolenko, Karmella [1955] Ukraine
Tyrrell, Agnes [1846–1883] Austro-Hungarian Empire, now Czech Republic
Tzanou, Athanasia [1971] Greece
>Uebayashi, Yuko [1975] Japan
Ulehla, Ludmila [1923-2010?] USA
Ustvolskaya, Galina Ivanovna [1919-2006] Russia
Valborg Aulin, Laura [1860-1928] Sweden
Van de Vate, Nancy [1930-2023] USA
Vannah, Kate [1855-1933] USA
Vehar, Persis Anne Parshall [1937] USA
Vellere, Lucie [1896-1966] Belgium
Vemyss, Lady Margaret [1630-1650] United Kingdom
Vercoe, Elizabeth [1941] USA
Veriguine, Mlle. N. de [1795] Russia
Viardot-Garcia, Pauline [1821-1910] France
Vietor, Alba Rosa [1889-1979] Italy
Vieu, Jane [1871-1955] France
Vinogradova, Vera [1895-1982] Russia
Vito-Delvaux, Berthe di [1915-2005] Belgium
Vizzana, Lucrezia Orsina [1590-1662] (Bologna) Italy
Vocilkova-Trtkova, Marcela [1972] Czech Republic
Vrebalov, Aleksandra [1970] Serbia
Wagner, Melinda [1957] USA
Walker, Gwyneth [1947] USA
Wallach, Joelle [1946] USA
Walpurgis, Maria Antonia [1724-1780] Saxony
Walsh, María Elena [1930] Argentina
Warren, Elinor Remick [1900-1991] USA
Waring, Kate [1953] USA
Warshauer, Meira [1949] USA
Weber, Ilse [1903-1944] (Czechoslovakia) now Czech Republic
Weichsell, Elizabeth Billington [1768-1818] United Kingdom
Weigl, Vally [1899?-1982] Austria
Weir, Judith [1954] United Kingdom
Wells, Katherine Gladney [1918] USA
Wendelburg, Norma [1918] USA
Wennerberg-Reuter, Sara [1875-1959] Sweden
Wertheim, Rosy [1888-1949] Netherlands
White, Maude Valerie [1855-1937] United Kingdom
Whitehead, Gillian [1941] New Zealand
Wikström, Inger [1939] Sweden
Williams, Felicity [1954] New Zealand
Williams, Grace Mary [1906-1977] United Kingdom
Wood, Mary Knight [1857-1944] USA
Worth, Amy [1888-1967] USA
Worthington, Rain [1949] USA
Wright, Ellen [1859-1904] United Kingdom
Wright, Margot [1911-2000] United Kingdom
Younghi, Pagh-Paan [1945] South Korea
Yurina, Ludmila [1962] Ukraine
Zaimont, Judith Lang [1945] USA
Zaranek, Stephanie [1904-1972] Russia
Zebaljan, Isidora [1967] Serbia
Zechlin, Ruth [1926] Germany
Zieritz, Grete von [1899-2001] Austria
Ziffrin, Marilyn J. [1926] USA
Zimmermann, Agnes [1847-1925] Germany
Zobel, Emely [1964-1996] Germany
Zubel, Agata [1978] Poland
Zumsteeg, Emilie [1796-1857] Germany
Zuylen, Belle van [1740-1805] France
Zwilich, Ellen Taaffe [1939] USA
Continue with contemporary composers
This has been a presentation of The Kapralova Society. Advocating for women in music since 1998.