[Bibliography] [Discography] [Published Scores] [Radio] [Television and Film] [Other Documents]

Popular literature and popularizations in radio, television, film, theater, music theater, and dance theater

Patria Mia. A screenplay by Natalia Borodin based on Jiri Mucha's autobiographical novel Au Seuil de la Nuit. Recipient of Prix Beaumarchais.

The Mystery of Dr. Martinu. A 61-minute television film fantasy on the motives of life of Bohuslav Martinu. Director: Ken Russell. Cast: Patrick Ryecart (Bohuslav Martinu), Shauna Baird (Charlotte Martinu), Hannah King ("Slava" - Vitezslava Kapralova) and others. Music: Bohuslav Martinu. Production company: RM ASsociates, UK (1993).

Ona a Martinu. Pseudobiographical novel by Jindrich Uher. Prague: Ceskoslovensky spisovatel, 1995 (1st edn.); Sursum, 2002 (2nd edn.)

Vitezslava. A radio play by Hana Roguljic, based in part on Uher's novel Ona a Martinu. Director: Ales Vrzak; Dramaturg: Renata Venclova; Sound engineer: Tomas Mikyska. Music director: Jan Trojan. Cast: Magdalena Borova (Vitezslava Kapralova), Tatjana Medvecka (Vituse Kapralova), Igor Bares (Vaclav Kapral), Lukas Hlavica (Bohuslav Martinu), Marek Holy (Jiri Mucha), Frantisek Nemec (Vitezslav Novak), Lucie Jurickova (Charlotte Martinu), David Matasek (Rudolf Kopec), Eva Salzmannova (senatorka Plaminkova), Jan Novotny (Edvard Benes), Martin Finger (doktor Liskutin), Miloslav Konig (Rudolf Firkusny) and others. Produced by © Czech Radio 3 (Vltava), premiere broadcast on March 27, 2014.

Jiri Mucha: Carpe Diem. A cabaret-musical inspired by Jiri Mucha's life story. Playwrights: Tomas Jarkovsky and Jakub Vasicek. Director: Jakub Vasicek. Music: Daniel Camsky. Cast: Martin Stransky (Jiri Mucha), Marketa Tallerova (Marta Kadlecikova), Veronika Korytarova (Geraldine Thomson-Mucha), Anna Schimdtmajerova (Vitezslava Kapralova), Vaclav Helsus (Alfons Mucha), Daniel Camsky (Bohuslav Martinu) and others. A production of the F.X. Salda Theatre in Liberec. Premiered on October 23, 2015.

Poets of the City. A two-part dance theater project by Martin Dvorak. The project pays homage to composer Vítezslava Kapralova and poet Ivan Blatny. Creation, choreography, direction: Martin Dvorak. Costumes: Jindra Rychla. Dancers and actors: Irene Bauer, Kamila Valuskova, Martin Dvorak. Music by Vitezslava Kapralova, Pavel Blatny, Frantisek Chaloupka, and Omar Rojas Ruiz. Premiered in the villa Tugendhat in Brno on July 20, 2015.

Mozart in the Jungle. A television series. Season 3, Episodes 6 and 9. Kapralova makes her debut in this award winning Amazon television series (2 Golden Globes a 1 Primetime Emmy Award) as a trailblazer character from the past who inspired the main heroine, Hailey (Lola Kirke), and her friend Lizzy (Hannah Dunne) to take on new creative challenges. The episode 6 features Kapralova's Piano Concerto in D Minor (an excerpt from the Radioservis 2011 recording) and the song Novorocni (New Year's) from the song collection Vteriny roku (Seconds of a Year), op. 18. The episode 9 features an orchestra named after Kapralova. There are also some visual props inspired by Kapralova. The season 3 soundtrack (released by Sony in 2016) has a track with Missy Mazzoli's music performed by Joshua Bell and the Kapralova (!) Orchestra. Screenwriters: Roman Coppola et all. Produced by © Amazon TV, 2016.

Vitka. Theater play by Katerina Tuckova, a free adaptation of Uher's pseudo-biographical novel Ona a Martinu. Director: Anna Petrzelkova; Dramaturg: Lucie Nemeckova; Stage Manager: Lenka Odvarkova; Costumes: Hana Knotkova. Cast: Tereza Mareckova (Vitezslava Kapralova), Dusan Hrebicek (Bohuslav Martinu), Vladimir Hauser (Vaclav Kapral), Ivana Hlouzkova (Vituse Kapralova, Charlotta Martinu), Jan Mansfeld (Ota Vach, Ivan Tondr), Adam Masura (Theodor Schaefer), Tomas Milostny (Rudolf Kopec), Ondrej Kokorsky (Jiri Mucha) and others. With music by Petr Hromadka, interspersed with a few short excerpts from the music by Bohuslav Martinu and Vitezslava Kapralova. Produced by Divadlo Husa na provazku, premiered in Brno on February 23, 2018. The play was published the same year by publishing house Host in Brno.

Martinu. Ceska rapsodie Bohuslavova. Theatre play by Dodo Gombar. Director: Dodo Gombar; Dramaturg: Jaroslav Cermak; Stage Manager: Tom Ciller; Costumes: Lenka Odvarkova; Music: David Rotter. Cast: Jakub Skrdla (Bohuslav Martinu), Michal Kraus (Stanislav Novak, Jiri Mucha), Josef Kundera (Jan Zrzavy), Frantisek Mitas (Vaclav Talich), Lukas Matej (Georges Neveux), Ondrej Sipek (Paul Sacher), Sarka Cermakova (Charlotta Martinu), Klara Anna Satinska (Vita Kapralova, Roe Barstow), and others. Produced by Horacke divadlo, premiered in Jihlava on September 5, 2020.

Muj zivot s Bohuslavem Martinu. This 90-minute film is a free screen adaptation of the namesake autobiography by Charlotte Martinu. Screenwriter: Lukas Csicsely. Director: Jakub Sommer. Cinematography: Viktor Smutny. Dramaturgy: Radim Smetana. Costume Designer: Simona Rybakova. Producer: Katerina Kovarova. Cast: Petr Stach (Bohuslav Martinu), Tereza Hofova (Charlotte Martinu), Ondrej Kavan (Milos Safranek), Anna Fialova (Vitezslava Kapralova, Rosalie Barstow, Muse). This has been a co-production of Czech Television, ORF, and Bohuslav Martinu Foundation. Premiered in Prague on October 24, 2021, during the Golden Prague Festival.

Vitka Osudova (Koleda milostna). A dance and musical theater based on free adaptation of Jiri Mucha's autobiographical novel Strange Loves. A project of the Opera Studio of the Brno Conservatory. Kapralova's music featured: Concertino for violin, clarinet, and orchestra (arr. for trio), choruses from cantata Ilena, Dopis and Novorocni for voice and piano, Potpolis for women's voices a cappella, Pisnicka for piano, Koleda milostna for voice and piano. Mixed Choir of the Brno Conservatory, Helena Fialova, piano, Arnau Petrivalsky, violin, Michaela Fialova, clarinet. Theme and musical collage: Tomas Krejci; Theater Script: Hana Mikolaskova; Choreography: Ladislava Kosikova; Theater Direction: Alexandra Bolfova; Music Direction: Tomas Krejci, Helena Fialova, Katarina Duchonova; Stage managers: Lucia Casova, Lucie Matulova, Sarka Melounova, Aneta Tesikova. Produced by Rrno Conservatory, in collaboration with the National Theater Brno, for the International Opera and Music Festival Janacek Brno 2024. Premiered at the Theater Reduta in Brno on November 14, 2024.