[Bibliography] [Discography] [Published scores] [Radio] [Television and Film] [Other Documents]

Kapralova's publishers [in alphabetical order]: Amos Editio - Sheet music publisher (a member of the Amos Group of Corporations) based in Prague (since 2000); Baerenreiter Verlag - German publisher of sheet music based in Kassel, Germany, with offices in London, New York, and Prague (Baerenreiter Praha); Certosa Verlag - German publisher of sheet music based in Klein-Winternheim; Czech Music Fund - Government foundation for Czech music established in 1953. Its large music library is currently administered by the Czech Radio Publishing House; Czech Radio Publishing House - National broadcaster's sheet music publishing arm. Scores can be purchased online from radioteka, for parts for hire contact jana.honzikova[at]rozhlas.cz at the Customer Department or nakladatestvi[at]rozhlas.cz; Editio Praga - Sheet music publisher based in Prague and the legal successor to Editio Supraphon. It operated from 1993 to 2000 when it ceased to exist; Editio Supraphon - Sheet music publishing arm of the state-owned company Supraphon. It was established in 1967 as the legal successor to Statni hudebni nakladatelstvi (the latter was operating from 1961-1967) and specialized in publishing Czech sheet music and books on music. In 1993, it was privatized under the name of Editio Praga; Egge Verlag - Publisher of sheet music based in Coblenz am Rhein, Germany; Eschig - also Editions Durand-Salabert-Eschig. Publisher of sheet music based in Paris, France. Since 2007 Durand-Salabert-Eschig is part of Universal Music Publishing Classical; HMUB (Hudebni Matice Umelecke Besedy) - Sheet music publishing arm of Umelecka beseda (The Artistic Forum) in Prague, operating from 1871 to 1951. In 1962, its assets, including the catalog, were expropriated by the communist state of Ceskoslovenska socialisticka republika (Czechoslovak Socialist Republic) and transferred to Statni hudebni nakladatelstvi, the predecessor of Editio Supraphon. Please note that the entire HMUB catalogue is now in public domain; Kapralova Society - Non-profit publisher based in Toronto, Canada (operating since 1998). It publishes free digital scores; La Sirène Editions Musicales - Sheet music publisher operating in Paris between 1904 and 1942. It was acquired as an imprint of Eschig that was in turn acquired by Durand in 1987 and became a part of the Universal Music Publishing Group in 2006; Melantrich - Publishing house in Prague operating from 1898 to 1999 (under the name Melantrich in 1910-1957 and again in 1968-1999). Their music sheet catalogue was transferred to Statni hudebni nakladatelstvi (1965?) and in 1967 became a part of the Editio Supraphon catalogue; MelPa (Melantrich-Pazdirek) - This imprint of Melantrich (a joint venture with Brno publisher Pazdirek) operated from 1936-1949; Pazdirek (also: Oldrich Pazdirek or Edition Pazdirek) - Sheet music publisher based in Brno, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic) that operated from 1919 to 1949; Schott – German publisher of sheet music, based in Meinz, Germany, with offices in London, Madrid, Paris, New York, Tokyo and Beijing. In operation since 1770; SelfPrint Music Brno-based publisher of digital scores, operating online since 2007; Nakladatelstvi Svoboda - Publishing house based in Prague that operated from 1945 to 1998 (under this name in 1945-1953, 1966-1991, and 1994-1997).

How to purchase:

Orchestral scores: can be purchased from radioteka.cz, following these step-by-step instructions. Parts can be hired from Schott.
Piano and chamber music: is available to European customers from Stretta. Avoid downloading historical first editions on Stretta's list that are listed as produced by Soundnotation, as these are available for free download on this website.
Songs: First editions of individual songs that are in public domain can be downloaded free from this website. The complete critical edition of Kapralova's songs can be purchased and downloaded in pdf format from Classical Vocal Reprints.

You can also choose to contact directly the publishers listed above or to follow the links to online sheet music stores associated with many items in this catalogue (check for prices if more than one store is listed as they vary widely).

Academic, research and music libraries can order the scores from Harrassowitz.

Childhood Compositions Some of My Very First Compositions | Z mojich nejranejsich skladeb (1924-1925, 1927)
Published under title: Skladby z detstvi | Pieces from Childhood
Piano score. 16 pages
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2003
Foreword in Czech | English | German (translation by David Beveridge and Anna Ohlidal)
Catalogue No.: AM 0040

Initiated and financially assisted by Kapralova's estate.

Maticce To Mother | Maticce (1928)
For three children's voices. 1 page
Text: Jan Neruda
Publisher: © The Kapralova Society | Toronto 2015
Catalogue No.: KS 005
free download only for non-commercial use

Published by logo

Piano Miniature Piano Miniature | Klavirni miniatura (1929)
Piano score. 1 page
Publisher: © The Kapralova Society | Toronto 2017
In: Kapralova Society Journal 15, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 13.
Editor's note by Erik Entwistle in English
free download (see p. 13) only for non-commercial use

Published by logo

Early Songs Songs | Pisne (1931)
For soprano/lyrical mezzo or tenor and piano
Text: Vitezslava Kapralova
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2005
Critical edition
In: Pisne | Songs. 146 pages
Editor: Timothy Cheek
Foreword by Timothy Cheek in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0003

Initiated and financed by logo

Pet klavirnich skladeb Five Piano Compositions | Pet klavirnich skladeb (1932)
Piano score, 15 pages
1–4: Suite en miniature, op. 1 (piano version); 5: Funeral March, op. 2
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2011
Critical edition
Editor: Veroslav Nemec
Foreword by Karla Hartl and Veroslav Nemec in Czech | English (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0064

Initiated and financed by logo

Suite en miniature Suite en miniature, op. 1 (1935)
Small orchestra
Publisher: Czech Radio | Prague 2018
Editor: Robert Skarda, Lucie Slivonova
Foreword by Karla Hartl in English | Czech
Cover design: Barbora Klusakova
Catalogue No.: R 402

Purchase and hire from Schott

Initiated and assisted by logo

Legend Legend, op. 3/1 | Legenda (1932)
Violin and piano
In: Compositions for Violin and Piano. 21 pages
Critical edition
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2009
Editors: Stephen Shipps and Timothy Cheek
Foreword by Timothy Cheek in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0055

Initiated and financed by logo

Burlesque Burlesque, op. 3/2 (1932)
Violin and piano
1st edition: Edition O. Pazdirek | Brno 1933. Catalogue No.: 570. Out of print.
2nd (critical) edition: Amos Editio | Prague 2009
In: Compositions for Violin and Piano. 21 pages
Editors: Stephen Shipps and Timothy Cheek
Foreword by Timothy Cheek in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0055

Initiated and financed by logo

Two Songs Two Songs, op. 4 | Dve pisne (1932)
For soprano or tenor and piano
Text: R. Bojko
In: Pisne | Songs. 146 pages
Critical edition
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2005
Editor: Timothy Cheek
Foreword by Timothy Cheek in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0003

Initiated and financed by logo

Sparks from Ashes Sparks from Ashes, op. 5 | Jiskry z popele (1932-1933)
For soprano/lyrical mezzo or tenor and piano
Text: Bohdan Jelinek
In: Pisne | Songs. 146 pages
Critical edition
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2005
Editor: Timothy Cheek
Foreword by Timothy Cheek in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0003

Initiated and financed by logo

January January | Leden (1933)
For soprano/lyrical mezzo or tenor, flute, two violins, violoncello and piano
Score: 7 pages. Parts: 3 pages.
Text: Vitezslav Nezval
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2005
Editor: Timothy Cheek
Foreword by Timothy Cheek in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0046

Initiated and financed by logo

Sonata appassionata Sonata Appassionata, op. 6 (1933)
Piano score. 30 pages
Critical edition
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2006
Editor: Veroslav Nemec
Foreword by Karla Hartl and Veroslav Nemec in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0052

Initiated and financed by logo

piano concerto Piano Concerto in D Minor, op. 7 (1934–1935)
Orchestral score. 103 pages
Parts for hire from the publisher
Publisher: Czech Radio | Prague 2014
Editor: Olga Jezkova
Foreword by Karla Hartl in Czech | English
Catalogue No.: R 291
Purchase and hire from Schott

In collaboration with logo

piano reduction Piano Concerto in D Minor, op. 7 (1934–1935)
Piano reduction score.
Publisher: Czech Radio | Prague 2025
Transcription: Karalyn Schubring
Editors: Amy I-Lin Cheng, Timothy Cheek
Catalogue No.: R 532
Purchase from Radioteka
Follow these instructions to make your order

In collaboration with logo
and the University of Michigan

Dve kyticky Zwei Blumenbouquets | Dve kyticky (1935)
Piano score. 2 pages
Publisher: Certosa Verlag | 2011
Editor: Dieter Michael Backes
Foreword in German
Catalogue No.: CV Kap1

String Quartet String Quartet, op. 8 (1935-1936)
Score and parts. 48 pages (score)
Publisher: Czech Radio | Prague 2009 (1st edn.), 2022 (2nd edn.)
Editors: Olga Jezkova, Ivan Straus; Lucie Slivonova, Marta Blalock (2nd, revised edition)
Foreword in Czech | English (1st ed. transl. Vit Novotny; 2nd ed. transl. Jana Moravcova)
Catalogue No.: R 168

2nd edition in collaboration with logo

Grotesque Passacaglia Grotesque Passacaglia | Groteskni passacaglia (1935)
Piano score
1st edition: Tempo XV/6 (HMUB) | Prague 1935 (download free)
2nd edition: Amos Editio | Prague 2010
In: Three Piano Pieces, Grotesque Passacaglia. 22 pages
Editor: Veroslav Nemec
Foreword by Karla Hartl and Erik Entwistle in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0060

Initiated and financed by logo

Opus 9 Three Piano Pieces, op. 9 | Tri klavirni kusy (1935)
Piano score
Praeludim – Crab Canon – Scherzo Passacaglia
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2010
In: Three Piano Pieces, Grotesque Passacaglia. 22 pages
Editor: Veroslav Nemec
Foreword by Karla Hartl and Erik Entwistle in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0060

Initiated and financed by logo

Apple from the Lap Apple from the Lap, op. 10 | Jablko s klina (1934-1936)
Voice and piano
Text: Jaroslav Seifert
1st edition: HMUB | Prague 1938 (download free)
2nd (critical) edition: Amos Editio | Prague 2005
In: Pisne | Songs. 146 pages
Editor: Timothy Cheek
Foreword by Timothy Cheek in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0003

Performers may want to read this analysis of the cycle by Tereza Jandura.

Initiated and financed by logo

Little Song Little Song | Pisnicka (1936)
Piano score. 2 pages
1st edition: Melpa | Brno-Prague 1936. (Moravsti skladatele mladezi.) Out of print
2nd edition: © Kapralova Society | Toronto 2011
Engraving: Rain Worthington
Catalogue No.: KS 001
free download only for non-commercial use

Published by logo

Sad Evening Sad Evening | Smutny vecer (1936)
For soprano or tenor and piano. 3 pages
Text: Vitezslava Kapralova
Critical edition
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2011
Editor: Timothy Cheek
Foreword by Timothy Cheek in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0067

Initiated and financed by logo

Sad Evening for Orchestra Sad Evening | Smutny vecer (1936)
For soprano or tenor and orchestra
Orchestral score. 12 pages
Parts for hire from the publisher
Text: Vitezslava Kapralova
Publisher: Czech Radio | Prague 2016
Critical edition
Editor: Timothy Cheek
Foreword by Timothy Cheek in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Barbora Klusakova

Purchase and hire from Schott

In collaboration with logo

Military Sinfonietta Military Sinfonietta, op. 11 | Vojenska symfonieta (1936-1937)
Large orchestra
Study score: 86 pages
Parts for hire from the publisher
1st edition: Edition Melantrich | Prague 1938. Out of print
2nd (facsimile) edition: Czech Music Fund | Prague 1958. Out of print
3rd edition: Czech Radio | Prague 2005
Editor: Olga Jezkova
Catalogue No.: R 043

Purchase and hire from Schott

In collaboration with logo

For Ever For Ever, op. 12 | Navzdy (1936-1937)
Voice and piano
Text: Jan Carek, Jaroslav Seifert
1st edition: HMUB | Prague 1949 (free download)
2nd edition: Amos Editio | Prague 2005
In: Pisne | Songs. 146 pages
Critical edition
Editor: Timothy Cheek
Foreword by Timothy Cheek in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0003

Initiated and financed by logo

Ostinato fox Ostinato Fox (1937)
Piano score. 2 pages
Publisher: SelfPrint Music | Brno 2007
Editor: Katerina Ruzickova Pinosova

April Preludes April Preludes, op. 13 | Dubnova preludia (1937)
Piano score. 12 pages
Publisher: HMUB | Prague 1938 (free download) | Schott (April Prelude No. 2) order
Catalogue No.: HM 711 | Catalogue No.: Schott ED 23475

Waving Farewell Waving Farewell, op. 14 | Sbohem a satecek (1937)
For soprano or tenor and piano
Text: Vitezslav Nezval
1st edition: HMUB | Prague 1947 (free download)
2nd edition: Amos Editio | Prague 2005
In: Pisne | Songs. 146 pages
Critical edition
Editor: Timothy Cheek
Foreword by Timothy Cheek in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0003

Initiated and financed by logo

Waving Farewell (orchestral version) Waving Farewell, op. 14 | Sbohem a satecek (1937/38)
For soprano or tenor and orchestra
Text: Vitezslav Nezval
1st edition: Baerenreiter Praha | Prague 2019
Catalogue No.: OM 621
2nd edition: Czech Radio | Prague 2023
Editor: Lucie Slivonova
Foreword by Karla Hartl in English | Czech
Catalogue No.: R 494

Initiated and assisted by logo

Carol Carol | Koleda (1937)
For soprano or tenor and piano
Text: folk song
In: Pisne | Songs. 146 pages
Critical edition
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2005
Editor: Timothy Cheek
Foreword by Timothy Cheek in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0003

Initiated and financed by logo

Trio for Woodwinds Trio for Oboe, Clarinet, and Bassoon (1937-1938)
Alternative titles: reed trio, trio d'anches
Score: 16 pages
Publisher: EGGE-Verlag | Coblenz am Rhein, 2011
Editor: Stéphane Egeling
Foreword (by Stéphane Egeling) in German
Movements: (1) reconstructed autograph score; (2) op. 13/3 arr. for trio d'anches; (3) op. 13/4 arr. for trio d'anches
Catalogue No.: EVB 3124

Purchase from the publisher's online store. American customers can also order from TrevCo Music.

Ilena Ilena, op. 15. Cantata for soli, mixed choir, reciter, and orchestra (1937–1938)
Choir part
Czech Radio | Prague 2020
Editor: Martin Kostas
Foreword by Martin Kostas in Czech | English (translation Ludmila Bohuslavova)
Catalogue No.: R 458

Orchestral parts for hire from the publisher.

Initiated by logo

Variations sur le Carillon Variations sur le Carillon de l'Eglise St-Etienne-du-Mont, op. 16 (1938)
Piano score. 8 pages
1st edition: La Sirène Musicale | Paris 1938
Editor: Michel Dillard
Catalogue No.: S. 211 M.
2nd edition: Eschig | Paris 2001

Also available from presto music and stretta.

Potpolis Potpolis. From Two Choruses for Women's Voices, op. 17 (1937-1938)
Women's choir a cappella
Score: 3 pages
Publisher: Editio Supraphon | Prague 1976 (out of print, see the next entry)
Catalogue No.: H 5922

Opus 17 Two Choruses for Women's Voices, op. 17 (1936-1938)
Women's choir a cappella
Choruses: Potpolis, Vezdicka
Text: Ondrej Prikryl
First complete edition
Publisher: Czech Radio | Prague 2019
Editors: Robert Skarda, Lucie Slivonova
Foreword by Karla Hartl in English | Czech
Catalogue No.: R 416

Initiated and assisted by logo

Seconds Seconds, op. 18 | Vteriny (1936-1939)
For soprano or tenor and piano
Texts: Jaroslav Seifert, Josef Hora, Jan Carek, Frana Sramek, Frana Velkoborsky, folk song
Published individually:
Koleda milostna (Love Carol): Editio Supraphon | Prague 1974. Resold by Baerenreiter
Novorocni (New Year's Carol): Melantrich | Prague 1937 download
Velikonoce (Easter): Lidove noviny | Prague 1937
As a complete collection:
In: Pisne | Songs. Critical edition. 146 pages
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2005
Editor: Timothy Cheek
Foreword by Timothy Cheek in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0003

Initiated and financed by logo

Suita rustica Suita rustica, op. 19 (1938)
Large orchestra
Study score: 98 pages
Publisher: Czech Radio | Prague 2017
Editors: Robert Skarda, Lucie Slivonova
Foreword by Judith Mabary in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Catalogue No.: R 370

Purchase and hire from Schott

Initiated and assisted by logo

Elegy Elegy | Elegie (1939)
Violin and piano
In: Compositions for Violin and Piano. 21 pages
Critical edition
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2009
Editors: Stephen Shipps and Timothy Cheek
Foreword (by Timothy Cheek) in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0055
Initiated and financed by logo

Melodrama To Karel Capek | Karlu Capkovi (1939)
Melodrama for reciter, violin, and piano
Score: 4 pages (plus 1 page violino part)
Text: Vitezslav Nezval
Publisher: Czech Radio | Prague 2011 (1st edition) | 2022 (2nd, revised edition)
Editors: Olga Jezkova (1st ed.) | Lucie Slivonova (2nd, revised edition)
Foreword by Lubomir Pozivil in Czech | English (translation Vit Novotny)
Catalogue No.: R 239

The 2nd, revised edition was assisted by logo

You will find more information about this piece in The Kapralova Companion, including an excellent English translation of Nezval's text.

Fanfare Fanfare | Fanfara (1939)
For 2 horns, 2 trumpets in C, and timpani
Engraving: Dejan Badnjar
Transposition for brass instruments Andrew Gilliam
Publisher: © Kapralova Society | Toronto 2015
Catalogue No.: KS 003

Write to society[at[kapralova[dot]org for a free digital copy.

Published by logo

Early Songs Song of the Workers of the Lord | Pisen delniku pane (1939)
For soprano or tenor and piano
In: Pisne | Songs. 146 pages
Critical edition
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2005
Editor: Timothy Cheek
Foreword in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0003

Initiated and financed by logo

Partita Partita per pianoforte ed orchestra d'archi, op. 20 (1938-1939)
Piano and string orchestra
Study score: 77 pages
1st edition: Svoboda | Prague 1948. Out of print
2nd edition: Czech Radio | Prague 2006
Editor: Olga Jezkova
Catalogue No.: R 099

Purchase and hire from Schott
Piano reduction of the score is available and can be purchased from Women's Philharmonic Advocacy

In collaboration with logo

Concertino Concertino, op. 21 for violin, clarinet, and orchestra (1939)
Ochestral score: 56 pages
Publisher: Baerenreiter Praha | Prague, 2003
Editors: Milos Stedron and Leos Faltus
Catalogue No. H 7919
Performance materials available for hire

Initiated and assisted by logo

Sung into the Distance Sung into the Distance, op. 22 | Zpivano do dalky (1939)
For soprano/lyrical mezzo or tenor and piano
Text: Viktor Kripner
In: Pisne | Songs. 146 pages
Critical edition
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2005
Editor: Timothy Cheek
Foreword (by Timothy Cheek) in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0003

Initiated and financed by logo

Prelude de Noël Prélude de Noël | Vanocni preludium | Christmas Prelude (1939)
Chamber orchestra
Orchestral score: 15 pages plus parts
Publisher: Czech Radio | 1st ed. Prague 2002, 2nd. ed. Prague 2020
Editor: Olga Jezkova
Catalogue No.: R 022
Christmas Prelude. Arr. for wind quintet by Lisa Portus. Available from Portus Press

Orchestral score: purchase and hire from Schott

In collaboration with logo

The project was financially assisted by Lucent logo

Christmas Carol Christmas Carol | Vanocni koleda (1939)
For soprano or tenor and piano
In: Pisne | Songs. 146 pages.
Critical edition
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2005
Editor: Timothy Cheek
Foreword in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0003

Initiated and financed by logo

Early Songs In the Czech Land | V zemi ceske (1939)
For soprano or tenor and piano
Text: Jan Carek
In: Pisne | Songs. 146 pages.
Critical edition
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2005
Editor: Timothy Cheek
Foreword (by Timothy Cheek) in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0003

Initiated and financed by logo

Dance for Piano Dance for Piano | Tanec pro klavir. From: Two Dances for Piano, op. 23 (1940).
Piano score. 4 pages
Reconstructed from an autograph sketch and engraved by Giorgio Koukl (2016)
Publisher: © Kapralova Society | Toronto 2020
Foreword by Giorgio Koukl in English (translation from Czech by Karla Hartl)
In: Kapralova Society Journal 18, no. 1 (Spring 2020): 8–12.
free download (see pp. 9–12) only for non-commercial use

Published by logo

Festive Fanfare Festive Fanfare | Slavnostni fanfara (1940)
Piano score. 1 page
Engraved by Dejan Badnjar
Publisher: © Kapralova Society | Toronto 2016
In: Kapralova Society Journal 14, no. 2 (Fall 2016): 12. Foreword in English
free download (see p. 12) only for non-commercial use

Published by logo

Tales Cover Tales of a Small Flute | Povidky male fletny (1940)
Flute and piano
Score: 2 pages plus parts
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2014
Editor: Veroslav Nemec
Foreword by Karla Hartl and Veroslav Nemec in Czech | English (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0069

Initiated and financed by logo

Letter Letter | Dopis (1940)
For baritone and piano
Text: Petr Kricka
In: Pisne | Songs. 146 pages
Critical edition
Publisher: Amos Editio | Prague 2005
Editor: Timothy Cheek
Foreword (by Timothy Cheek) in English | Czech (translation Karla Hartl)
Cover design: Daniela Zichova
Catalogue No.: AM 0003

Initiated and financed by logo

Ritournelle Deux ritournelles, op. 25 pour violoncelle et piano (1940)
Violoncello and piano
Score: 10 pages Publisher: Baerenreiter Praha | Prague, 2003 (out of print, see below)
Editor: Milos Stedron
Catalogue No.: H 7827

Concert cellists can write to society[at]kapralova[dot]org to inquire about the score

Initiated and financially assisted by logo