women in czech music (2)

this list in alphabetical order

women in czech music
tyrrell reisserova vorlova kapralova petrova obrovska loudova bodorova hudbaby
tyrrell reisserova vorlova kapralova petrova obrovska loudova bodorova hudbaby

born between 1740-1799

Juliane Benda-Reichardt [Postupim 1752-1783] was one of the leading singers and composers of early Lieder. She studied music theory with her father Frantisek (Franz) Benda. Her musical creations include songs and piano sonatas that were published under the title Lieder und Klaviersonaten von Juliane Reichardt, geb. Benda by Karl Ernst Bohne in Hamburg in 1782 (additional six sonatas were published by Campe in Hamburg the same year). Some of her sonatas and songs are deposited in the Czech Museum of Music in Prague. Listen to the composer's Sonata in G Major.
Marie Karolina Benda-Wolf [1742-1820]. Studied piano and voice with her father Frantisek (Franz) Benda. She composed songs.
Katerina Veronika Anna Rosalie Cianchettini-Dussek (Katerina Dusikova) [Caslav 8.3.1769-London 1833]. Studied under her father Jan Josef Dussek (Dusik). She was a sister of composer Jan Ladislav Dussek (Dusik), and it was on his invitation that she moved to London where she met and eventually married music publisher Fr. Cianchettini. She composed two piano concertos and a number of solo piano works, including three sonatas, sets of variations, and short piano pieces. Her Piano Sonata, op. 8 and Variations on a Roman Air for piano are available from ClarNan Editions.
Catharina Cibbini-Kozeluch (Katerina Kozeluh) [Vienna 20.2.1785-Zakupy 12.8.1858]. Pianist, composer. She was the first of four children of Leopold Kozeluh and Marie Allmayer von Allstern. She studied music theory with her father and Muzio Clementi, and befriended Beethoven. Piano and chamber compositions: Introduction et variations brillantes pour le piano-forte, op.2 (Vienna: Diabelli); Divertissements brillants, op.3 (Vojtiskova [1954] mentions the divertimenti as op. 1 and 2. The works are deposited in the Moravian Museum in Brno); Introduction and Variations in E-flat, op.5 (Vienna: Haslinger); Six waltzes pour piano-forte, op. 6 (1st. edition: Haslinger, Vienna; 2nd edition: Certosa Verlag); Introduction and Polonaise, op. 8 (1st edition: Mechetti, Vienna; 2nd edition: Certosa Verlag); La ribembranza, op. 10; Grand trio concertante sur des motifs favoris pour deux pianos et violoncelle (Vienna: Artaria. The autograph is deposited in the Czech Museum of Music in Prague). Listen to the composer's waltzes for pianoforte, op. 6.
Josefine Duschek, née Hambacher (Frantiska Josefa Duskova). [Prague 6.3.1754-Prague 8.1.1824]. An opera singer, Josefine studied music theory with her husband Franz Xaver Duschek (Frantisek Xaver Dusek). Josefine's mother was from the Weisers family of Salzburg where in 1977 Josefine met Mozart. He became Duscheks' friend, and used to visit them at their villa Bertramka when staying in Prague. A critically acclaimed singer, Duschek often performed Mozart's arias and songs. She herself composed piano pieces and songs.
Anna Podleska (Sr. Aquinata) [Beroun 12.2.1754-Brno(?) 1818]. Singer, composer. Studied music with Adalbert Brichta (Vojtech Brychta) in Prague.
Elise von Schlick [Prague 21.1.1792-Prague 14.12.1855]. Composer of songs and song cycles. Most of them were published between 1850 and 1856 (e.g., by Gloggl and Spina in Vienna, Jowien and Cranz in Hamburg, and Schott in Meinz).

born between 1800-1899

Augusta Auspitz, née Kolarova [Prague 19.3.1844-Vienna? 23.8.1878]. Concert pianist, composer. Daughter of prominent actors Josef Jiri Kolar and Anna Manetinska, wife of Prof. Auspitz (married in 1865 in Vienna). She studied under Bedrich Smetana who was her distant relative (Kolar was Smetana's first wife's uncle), under Josef Proksch (Prague), and under Mme. Clauss-Szarvady (Paris). Piano compositions and songs: Caprice-Fantasie, Tarantela, op. 1, Scherzo, op. 2, Etude, op. 4, Valdstück, op. 5, Dans le Forêt, op. 6. Opuses 2 and 6 were published in Leipzig by B. Senff (their copies are deposited in the Czech Museum of Music in Prague).
Elise Barthova [1800-18?]. Pianist, piano teacher, composer. Piano compositions.
Lola Beranova, née Aloisie Marie Starkova [13.12.1879-28.1.1969]. Pianist, composer. She studied piano with Louis Gregh (1901) and Tereza Carreño (1906), counterpoint with Karel Knittl and composition under Vitezslav Novak (1909-13 and 1921-23). Piano music: piano cycles (several pieces from the cycle "In the Field and Forest" were published in Prague in 1912 by J. Otta and in 1917 by J. Kotrba), variations for piano, suite for piano, "Noveletta" for piano (1922), and piano miniatures and sketches; Chamber music: Sonata for violin and piano (1927); Vocal music: song cycle "To Mother" (1926) and songs set to her own texts. Her piano miniature "Kukacka" (Cuckoo) was released on Phontastic 321367.
Lydie Boesgaard-Schmidtova [1890-19?]. Singer, composer. Piano pieces.
Josefina Brdlikova, née Mourkova [Prague 20.3.1843-Prague 21.4.1910]. Singer, composer. She studied music with V.V. Zeleny, her brother-in-law, and her uncle J. Mourek; later in Prague with Z. Kolesovsky and Jindrich Kaan. In 1865, she married the manufacturer Jan Brdlik and moved to Pocatky. Piano compositions: Evening Shadows, Three Serenades, Song (published in 1892), Improptu, Field Flowers from the Bohemian Valleys, In Reeds; Miniatures, Collection of Piano Pieces [in 2 volumes], Waltz Aphorisms for four hands [in 4 volumes], Spring Romance, for four hands; Songs: 6 cycles of songs. Other works.
Matylda Chrudimska [Chrudim 6.7.1882-Chrudim 4.3.1956]. Pianist, music teacher, composer. Piano and chamber music. Her Touha (Longing) for violin and piano, op. 29 was published by Barvitius in 1928 in Prague.
Emmy Destinn, also Ema Destinnova, née Emilie Paulina Venceslava Kittlova [Prague 26.2.1878-Ceske Budejovice 28.1.1930]. A prominent opera singer, Destinn also composed twelve songs, set to texts by A. Wening. The songs were published under the title Zahrada srdce (Garden of the Heart) by Mojmir Urbanek in Prague.
Marie Drdova (pseud. Konstantin Constans) [1889-1970]. composer. Drdova studied composition under Vitezslav Novak and Ottorino Respighi. Orchestral, chamber, piano, vocal compositions, a ballet, and twelve operas. Her librettos are deposited in the Pamatnik narodniho pisemnictvi (Museum of National Literature) in Prague.
Marie Dresslerova-Schwarzkopf [1889-19?]. Piano pieces and vocal compositions.
Katerina Emingerova [Prague, 13.7.1856-Prague, 9.9.1934]. Composer, concert pianist, musicologist, pedagogue. Emingerova started composing at the age of 13 and studied composition privately under Zdenek Fibich and Vitezslav Novak. She taught piano at the Prague Conservatory (until 1928). Selected compositions: Piano music: Etude for piano, Inventions for piano, Tarantella, op. 4 (1882), Mignonette (1875), Ni-Polka (1878), Sychrovsky kvapik (1879), Melancholy polka (1897), 2 compositions for piano four hands; Chamber music: Violin Sonata [1881], Polonaise for violin and piano; Vocal compositions: songs for voice and piano; songs for two voices and piano; "Pampelisky" (Dandelions) for women's choir; choruses for 2 and 4 female voices, choruses for 4 male voices, "O salutaris hostia" for mixed choir (1901); Orchestral music (orchestrated piano music): Dance music for orchestra (quadrilles, polkas, valses, tarantella, from 1872-1882). A selection of her piano pieces was published by Klemm in Dresden (Tarantella, 1882) and by Schindler (Mignonette, 1875, and Ni-polka, 1878), Barvitius (Sychrovsky kvapik, 1928), and Otto (Melancholy Polka, in Zlata Praha (1901) in Prague, while some of her songs and choruses were published by Urbanek in Prague (1882 and 1900). Her Two Pieces for Piano were published by Certosa Verlag. Emingerova's papers and scores are archived at the Prague Conservatory and the Czech Museum of Music in Prague.
Anezka Falladova-Skvorova [24.12.1881-22.4.1960]. Harpist, composer, and teacher at the Brno Conservatory. Her creative output includes 130 compositions, mainly for harp (solo and duo). She also composed several piano pieces and a piece for harp and cello.
Ludmila Hradcova [Prague 9.9.1892-Prague 3.8.1947]. Studied composition privately under Vitezslav Novak. She composed a violin sonata and also composed and arranged songs and choruses for female voices.
Heda Hruskova-Duvigneau [1893-?]. Pianist, music teacher, composer. Instructive music, some of which was published in 1937 and 1939 by Melpa (Melantrich-Pazdirek).
Bozena Jahnova, née Svobodova [Prague 4.12.1840-Prague 21.5.1902]. Sister of composer Milada Jarolimkova. Her musical creations include 21 works, primarily vocal compositions for mixed choir, songs, piano pieces, and a melodrama.
Milada Jarolimkova, née Svobodova [Prague 21.12.1847-Prague 10.9.1886]. Sister of composer Bozena Jahnova. Piano compositions ("Au ruisseau" was published by Christoph & Kuhe in 1875).
Marie Kavalierova [1860-1933]. Studied piano and music theory at the Wanaus Music School in Prague. Composed songs, e.g., Ceske pisne (Czech Songs), op. 8 for zither, and salon music for piano, e.g., Ceske perle (Czech perles) op. 1, Polka-Mazur, op. 2, Sen mladi (Dream of Youth), op. 7.
Zdenka Kendikova née Linhartova [Pisek 10.7.1861-Prague 17.6.1905]. Singer, pianist, composer. Kendikova studied composition under Zdenek Fibich, composed dance music for piano and for chamber ensemble. Her Two mazurkas for violin and piano and Humoresque for piano were published in Prague magazines Humoristicke listy (1886) and Slavnostni list prazskych dam (1890).
Marie Kolarikova-Sedlackova [1897-1961]. Composer of dance music for piano and chamber ensemble, and songs (twelve of them set to words by Petr Bezruc).
Anna Kozankova [Kromeriz 5.7.1861-Doksy 18.2.1952]. Composed works for piano, such as Sonata in C Minor, Romance, and Nocturne; chamber music, e.g., Longing for violin and piano and string quartets; and vocal compositions, e.g., Ave Maria for voice and piano.
Hana Kralikova, née Johana Slavkovska [25.3.1888-19?]. Composer, gifted accompanist (to Emmy Destinn and Jan Kubelik), and visual artist. Kralikova studied composition under Vitezslav Novak. Her oeuvre consists of over forty piano and vocal compositions (e.g., choruses "Raseni" and "Slavnostni sbor"; song cycles "Dream of Love" and "Evening Songs"), two operettas, and stage music. Piano pieces Lullaby and Humoresque were published in 1916 in Zlata Praha, 24, No. 15.
Eliska Krasnohorska [1847-1926]. Pseudonym of Alzbeta Pechova. Composed several choruses, and authored several librettos to operas by Smetana, Fibich, and Bendl.
Marie Kucerova-Herbstova [20.2.1896-8.6.1962]. Studied piano and conducting at the Prague Conservatory (for several years, she was in the employ of Svanda theatre in Prague as their conductor), and from 1911-1915 also composition under Vitezslav Novak. Her oeuvre includes instructive piano music, music for choir, two melodrama, and stage music: a ballet Kdyz hracky obzivnou, theatre music Maugli, and four operas for children: Broucci, Mlady genius, Ulicnik Pericko, and Tri tovarysi.
Anna Lacmanova [1875-1930]. Studied composition under Vitezslav Novak and Frantisek Spilka. Piano pieces (Nocturno, Scherzo, 3 etudes, numerous dances), music for mixed choir, and 50 songs (two of them published in Brno by Ot. Pokoj, c.1938).
Florentina Malla [14.7.1891-Prague, 7.6.1973]. Studied composition privately under Vitezslav Novak [1914-16]. Her creative output includes a sonatina and preludium for piano, instructive music for piano, and more than 50 songs.
Marie Madierova [18-?-19-?]. Composed songs.
Jarmila Mixova [18-?-19-?]. Composed piano music (e.g. Danse grotesque) and songs.
Ludmila Peskarova, née Kadlecova [Sobotkovice 4.2.1890-Rajhrad 22.6.1987]. Peskarova graduated from a teachers' college in Litomysl. From 1912 to 1933 she taught in Rajhrad. In 1921 she married a colleague teacher, Jan Peskar. In 1942, her husband was executed by the Nazis, and in 1943, Peskarova was transported to Ravensbrück where she was imprisoned until April 1945. It was during her imprisonment that she composed and arranged songs, set to her texts, for female voice / women's choir, some with piano or cello accompaniment. Her songs "Cerne vlajky," "Modlitba za vlast," "Hradcany krasne" "Kdybych mela aero," "Slunce vychazi a zapada" and others have been recorded by Francesco Lottoro and released as a part of KZ Muzik CD Series.
Marie Proksch [1836-1900]. Pianist, music teacher, composer. Studied piano and composition with her father Josef Proksch [Liberec 1794-Prague 1864] who was teacher of Bedrich Smetana. Marie Proksch taught at Musikbildungsanstalt Institute founded by her father in Prague in 1830. She composed for piano.
Regina Rehakova [Broumov 25.7.1892-Pilsen 17.11.1953]. Violinist, composer. Her compositions include violin and piano pieces, songs, a melodrama, and instructive music. Her instructive music for viola was published in 1938 by Barvitius in Prague and in 1944 by Mares in Pilsen(?).
Julie Reisserova, née Kühnlova [Prague 9.10.1888-Prague 25.2.1938]. She studied composition in Prague with J.B. Foerster (1919-1921), in Bern with Ernst Hohlfeld (1923-1924), and in Paris with Albert Roussel (1924-1925?) and Nadia Boulanger. In 1921 she married Czech diplomat Jan Reisser and spent much of her life abroad, composing and also working as a freelance writer for the musical journal Tempo and the daily Lidove noviny. Orchestral works: Suite for Orchestra, op. 1 (originally entitled "Letni den" [Summer day], from 1928-31); Symphonic sketch "La Bise" (1929); symphonic poem Pastorale Maritime for Orchestra, op. 4 (1933); four orchestral songs "Brezen" (March, from 1931); and orchestral song "Predjari" (Early spring), op. 7 (a first song of an unfinished cycle of three songs for orchestra to texts of Werner Rudolf Beer, from 1936). Piano compositions: Esquisses, op. 3, a cycle for piano (1928-32), published by Skandinavisk og Borups Musikforlag in 1935; La source; Le vent; L'allégresse; Two melodies; Jarni (Spring) melodies; and Deux Allegros (Allegro inquieto, Allegro diabolico). Vocal compositions: "Brezen" (March), op. 2 (1923-25). A cycle of four songs, two of them to her own texts (orchestral version 1931, piano reduction Emil Hajek, published by Skandinavisk og Borups Musikforlag in 1934); "Pod snehem" (Under snow), op. 5, for voice and piano - a song cycle on Chinese poetry (French language version 1936, Czech language version 1937); female chorus "Slavnostni den" (Festive Day), op. 6 (1936), set to her text and dedicated to senator Frantiska Plaminkova.
Matylda Ringelsbergova [19th cent.] Piano teacher, composer of dance music.
Blazena Rylek-Stankova [1888-1974]. Studied composition under Alois Haba (graduated in 1946). Vocal compositions and chamber music (8 diationic works and 25 quarter-tone and sixth-tone compositions for various instruments).
Anezka Schulzova [Prague 24.3.1868 - 1905]. Daughter of literary historian and writer Ferdinard Schulz, she followed in her father's footsteps and became a theatre reviewer and literary critic and essayist. Schulzova studied composition under Zdenek Fibich (she began her studies with Fibich in 1885), and from 1892-1900 she had written librettos to three of his operas (Hedy, Sarka, Pad Arkuna). She wrote a monograph on Fibich under the pseudonym of Carl Ludwig Richter.
Otilie Sukova, née Dvorakova [1878-1905]. Daughter of Antonin Dvorak and wife of composer Josef Suk. Piano pieces: On the horseback, Lullaby, Humoresque. Listen to these lovely miniatures.
Agnes Tyrrell [Brno 20.9.1846-Brno 18.4.1883]. Composer, pianist. Tyrrell should be considered a major Europan woman composer given the size and quality of her oeuvre. She is also one of the very few women who composed a symphony prior 1900. A daughter of English language teacher Henry Foster Tyrrell, who established himself in Brno's German-speaking community, and his Czech wife Josefine Kotulanova, she spent her entire life in Brno (formerly Austro-Hungarian Empire, now the Czech Republic). Agnes Tyrrell grew up multilingual (she spoke fluently English and German but also Czech). She was a child prodigy, showing musical talent when she was merely three and performing at a recital when she was nine. She studied piano with Josef Dachs in Brno and with Adalbert Pacher at the Vienna Conservatory; in addition, she also studied composition with Otto Kitzler, the director of Brünner (Brno) Musikverein. Tyrrell was a prolific composer: her catalogue includes 39 solo piano compositions, of which the Andante, op. 6, Theme and Variations in F Major, op. 8, Piano Sonata, op. 10, Deux Nocturnes, opp. 16–17, Twelve Grand Studies, op. 48, and Grand Sonata, op. 66 stand out; a string quartet in G Major; a Symphony in C Major; two orchestral overtures (in E flat Major and in C Minor) and an orchestral "Mazurka"; 38 songs and song-cycles (e.g. 5 Schilflieder, of 1876); about 20 choruses for men's, women's and mixed choir; oratorio "Die Konige in Israel" on a libretto by Wilhem Smets (unfinished); and opera "Bertran de Born" on a libretto by Franz Keim. Published works during her life: Zwölf grosse Studien, op. 48 for piano, dedicated to Liszt (Vienna: Fr. Schreiber, c.1872); Deux Nocturnes, opp. 16 and 17, for piano (published by Spina in Vienna, year?); Mazurka, op. 15 (published by Spina in Vienna, year?). Most of her music was published recently by Certosa Verlag, Ries & Erler, and the Kapralova Society. Tyrrell's works for mixed choir (Gebet, Mutterthränen, Sommerfrühe, Sonntags am Rhein, Vorüber, Abschied, Liebestpredigt, and Winterlied) have been published as part of Blanka Snajdrova's Master's thesis. See a catalogue of her published works here. Agnes Tyrrell's life and music was a subject of a doctoral dissertation by Martina Schulmeisterova (Brno: JAMU, 2003) and a Master's thesis by Blanka Snajdrova (Brno: MUNI, 2019). Tyrrell's papers and autograph scores are deposited in the Moravian Museum Music Department in Brno, some of her lieder in the State Library in Berlin. Listen to Tyrrell's Overture in C Minor.
Ludmila Vojackova-Wetche [1872-19?]. Concert pianist, piano teacher, composer. She studied composition under Antonin Dvorak at the Prague Conservatory, taught music, and died in the United States.
Slava Vorlova, née Miroslava Johnova (pseud. Mira Kord) [Nachod 15.3.1894-Prague 24.8.1973]. Studied composition under Vitezslav Novak and Jaroslav Ridky. Piano, chamber, vocal and orchestral compositions, instructive music, incidental music, two operas. Publisher: Panton International [Schott]. Listen to Vorlova's Miniatures for bass clarinet and piano.
Elsa Wellnerova[1892-19?]. Studied with Mandyczewski. Orchestral works: Eight Menuets for String Orchestra, Serenade for Strings. Chamber music: string quartets, Variations for oboe and piano. Solo piano: Passacaglia and other piano works. Vocal compositions: Cantata for mixed choir, quartet and piano, choruses for women's voices, songs.
Mila (Emilie Vojteska) Zadrobilkova-Heidelbergova [Prague 23.10.1844-Prague 3.6.1872]. Piano compositions and two songs (one published).

born between 1900-1949

Vlasta Bachtikova [1940]. Her compositions include Concerto in B-flat Major for clarinet and orchestra, Five Miniatures for soprano, recorder and guitar [publ. by Baerenreiter] and pieces for flute and piano [Amos Editio].
Marie Blazkova, née Kepkova [1907-1987]. Studied composition under Alois Haba at the Prague Conservatory. Chamber and piano compositions, songs.
Olga Bubenickova-Sramkova [1918-1971]. String Quartet.
Kitty (Marie) Cervenkova [Prague 1904-1983]. Violinist who also composed for her instrument. She studied violin with Jan Marak and Karel Hoffmann at the Prague Conservatory. She composed Pisen beze slov (Song without words) for violin and Lullaby.
Milada Cervenkova [1947]. Composer. She studied composition with Milan Bachorek (1985–1990). Selected works: Orchestral: Passacaglia for large orchestra, Suite for Strings; Solo instrument: Violin Sonata, Piano Sonata; Chamber music: String Quartet, Pastoral suite for flute and harp; Vocal music: Songs for mixed choir. Listen to the composer's Passacaglia for large orchestra. Her music is also available on CD.
Dagmar Fabianova-Sarova [1926]. Studied composition with Emil Hlobil at the Prague Conservatory. Selected works: Suite for symphony orchestra, "Legend" for symphony orchestra, Scherzo for orchestra, "Tre tempi" for chamber orchestra, Mazur for wind orchestra, Concertino for wind nonet, Three Movements for brass quintet, "Meditazione" for flute, bass clarinet, and piano, "Pezzo da camera" for bass clarinet and piano, Rondo for flute and piano, Bagatelles for piano, and music for organ.
Liza Fuchsova [Brno 1913-London 1977]. Pianist (member of Dumka Trio) who also composed music for her instrument. Fuchsova left her homeland in 1939 and settled in England where she died in 1977.
Irena Hodkova [1932]. Studied with Emil Hlobil at the Prague Conservatory. Her creative output includes Suite for Orchestra [1956].
Marta Jirackova [1932]. Studied composition with Emil Hlobil, Alois Pinos, Ctirad Kohoutek, and Alois Haba. Orchestral, chamber, vocal, and lectroacoustic compositions. Instructive music. Listen to her Ave Seikilos for strings and percussion.
Olga Jirkova [1926]. Chamber music: oboe sonata, violin sonata, two cello sonatas, variations for wind quintet, and songs and song cycles "Vsechny cesty" (All roads, from 1972) and "Jarni mi rozumi vitr" (Spring breeze understands me well, from 1978).
Ilona Jurnickova [1947]. Instructive music.
Berta Kabelacova Rixova [1909-1988?]. Primarily a concert pianist, she also composed several piano and vocal works.
Vitezslava Kapralova [Brno 24.1.1915 - Montpellier 16.6.1940]. Kapralova is considered a major Czech composer, as well as a major European woman composer of the twentieth century. She studied composition with Vaclav Kapral and Vilem Petrzelka in Brno, Vitezslav Novak in Prague, and Bohuslav Martinu in Paris; and orchestral conducting with Zdenek Chalabala (Brno), Vaclav Talich (Prague), and Charles Munch (Paris). Orchestral, chamber, piano, and vocal compositions. All of her music has now been published and recorded. Publishers (sheet music): Baerenreiter, Czech Radio, Amos Editio, Editio Supraphon, Editio Praga, Egge-Verlag, Certosa Verlag, HMUB, Pazdirek, Svoboda, Melantrich, and La Sirène Musicale (Eschig). LP releases by Supraphon, CD releases by Naxos, Chandos, Koch International Classics, Supraphon, Delos Music, Gramola, dB Productions, Czech Radio (Radioservis), Albany Records, Centaur Records, Wave Theory Records, Claves, Clavier, Orchid Records, and others. Kapralova has been a subject of several foreign language monographs: in English (publ. Lexington Books, an imprint of Rowman & Littlefield, in 2011), in French (publ. Editions le Jardin d'Essai in 2015) and in German (publ. Chronos Verlag in 2017). Music available on CD.
Olga Kasparova [1918-19--?]. Studied composition with Otakar Sin at the Prague Conservatory of Music. Her compositional output includes solo piano works ("Dve lyricka intermezza" were published by J. Werner in Prague, c.1938), song cycles, an orchestral suite, and more.
Vera Kistler-Polenova [Volary 23.3.1929-3.8.2006 United States] immigrated to the US in 1947 and became American citizen in 1949. She graduated with B.A. in Music Education from Coker College (1969), with M.A. from the University of South Carolina (1973), and DMA in Music Composition from the University of South Carolina (1987). Orchestral, chamber and vocal compositions. Publisher: Alliance Publications.
Eliska Kleinova [27.2.1912-2.9.1999]. Composer of instructive piano music for children. She devoted her life to preserving and promoting music of her brother Gideon Klein.
Antonie Knoblochova [Split, Yugoslavia, 18.6.1905-d.?]. Studied composition with Otakar Sin and under Vitezslav Novak. Selected works: Symphony, Sextet for flute, bassoon, piano, violin, viola and violoncello, string quartet, Piano Trio, Suite for solo organ, Suite for piano, Children's Suite, Lullaby, Scherzo, Three Songs, song cycle "Clouds," "Three Spiritual Songs" for three Women's Voices, Songs "Tulacka," for male choir, and "Budme svoji," for mixed choir.
Marie Kostakova-Herodkova [1900-1973]. Chamber music, compositions for harp.
Ivana Loudova [1941-2017]. Composer. She studied composition with Emil Hlobil, Miloslav Kabelac, Andre Jolivet, and Olivier Messiaen. Orchestral, chamber, solo instrument, vocal, choral compositions and instructive music. Publisher: Panton International [Schott]. Listen to her Prague Imaginations for piano. Loudova's music is available on CD.
Jarmila Mazourova [1941]. Composer, teacher. She studied composition with Vilem Petrzelka, Ctirad Kohoutek and Jan Kapr at the Janacek Academy of Performing Arts in Brno. Orchestral, chamber, piano, and vocal compositions. Ballet and theatre music. Instructive music. Listen to her "Song about Falling Leaves" for two dulcimers.
Geraldine Mucha, née Thomson [London 5.7.1917- Prague 12.10.2012]. She was born in a musical Scottish family. Her father, Marcus Thomson, was a popular concert baritone and a professor of voice at the Royal Academy of Music. Her mother enjoyed success as a singing actress and appeared in several notable London musical productions. Encouraged by her father, Geraldine took private lessons in harmony with Benjamin Dale, a professor at the Royal Academy. She later continued her studies with Dale in composition more formally at the Royal Academy of Music in London, from which she graduated in 1943. Two years prior, in 1941, while visiting her aunt in Leamington Spa, Geraldine met her future husband, Jiri Mucha, at the time a BBC war correspondent. They were married in the fall the same year, and, after the war, they returned as a married couple to Prague, where Thomson Mucha lived for much of her life until her death in 2012. Mucha's compositional output includes orchestral, stage, and dance music, chamber and solo instrument compositions, and vocal music. Publisher: Panton [Schott]. Her music is available on CD (ArcoDiva, Brilliant Classics).
Jana Obrovska [1930-1987]. Studied composition with Jaroslav Ridky, Miroslav Krejci and Emil Hlobil. Orchestral and chamber compositions, instructive music. Publisher: Baerenreiter. Listen to Obrovska's Concerto for two guitars and orchestra.
Elena Petrova, née Krupkova [9.11.1929-10.4.2002]. Studied composition with Jan Kapr and Miloslav Istvan at the Janacek Academy of Performing Arts; later taught music theory at the Charles University in Prague. Orchestral and stage music: Opera "Kdyby se slunce nevratilo" (Should the Sun Not Return), incidental music for television and radio, ballets "The Nightingale and the Rose," "The Remarkable Rocket," "Sunflower" and "Longing Odysseus", Festive Ouverture, Passacaglia, Festive Music, Trauermusic, 3 symphonies; Chamber music: Sonata for Viola and Piano, Invocation for bass clarinet and piano, Sonata for Violin and Piano, Capriccio for bass clarinet and percussions, string quartet; Solo instrument: Pantomime for viola d'amore, Eclogues for bass clarinet, Preludium and Passacaglia for organ, Inspiration for piano four hands [Panton: Prague, 1985], Piano Sonatas No. 1 and 2, Four Improptus for piano, Preludes for piano; Vocal music: Songs about Time, for baritone and piano, Madrigals for mixed chamber choir, "Watercolours" for men's choir, Five Slovak Songs for men's choir, "Songs of an Old Moon" for soprano and chamber orchestra, 'Sunny' Sonata for soprano and chamber chorus, Mourning of Queen Ningal, for soprano and chamber chorus, a melodrama Tanbakzan, for speaker and chamber chorus, cantata "To the Night." Publisher: Panton [Schott].
Hana Semikova-Balaszova [1930?-1964?]. Studied composition with Emil Hlobil at the Prague Conservatory. Her creative output includes Suite for Strings, Sonatine for Violin, Piano Sonata, Preludes for Piano, Songs for Children.
Vlasta Smejkalova [Tabor 26.1.1915-d.?]. Studied composition with Frantisek Spilka. Orchestral, chamber, piano, solo instrument compositions, songs, and choruses.
Anita Smisek [1941]. American composer of Czech origin, pianist, organist, co-owner of a publishing company specializing in publishing Czech music. Chamber, piano/organ, vocal, and choral compositions.
Jitka Snizkova-Skrhova [14.9.1924-11.5.1989]. Studied composition with Alois Haba at the Prague Conservatory. Snizkova taught music theory at the Prague Conservatory and was also an accomplished musicologist (research in Czech medieval and renaissance music). Orchestral music: Sinfonietta "Balatta" for chamber orchestra, "European Reminiscences," for chamber orchestra, "Interludia Fantastica," for flute, tambourine, and strings; Chamber music and music for solo instrument: Sonata "al Fresca" for viola and piano, "Meadows," for oboe and piano, Interludes for flute, clarinet, and harp, "Alfa solaris" for bass clarinet and piano, Sonata "Pastoricia" for violin and piano, "Greek Fairy-Tales" for flute and harp, wind trio, 4 string quartets, "Die Glocke der Hoffnung," for horn, trombone and piano, "Magion" for two trumpets, french horn, two trombones and organ, "Forest Tunes," for 3 trombones, "Medieval Reminiscences" for organ, "Polonica," for organ, "Lusatica," for organ, "Start" for piano four hands, "Fantasticon" for two pianos, "Epithalamia" for flute; Choral and Vocal Music: choruses Nightingale, Hlaholic Fragment, Greek Chants, Agnes regis filia, Rivers from Orlicke Mountains, Karel Capek's Letter, "Song," "Who Remembers Giovanni Punto"; cantatas "J.A. Komensky," "Albert Einstein," "Bozena Nemcova;" oratoria "Vita Caroli," "Damaskedion," "In honorem Sancti Adalberti," and "Bethlehem from Trebochovice;" melodrama "Spring Greetings;" song cycles "Arabesques," Gitanjali Songs, Ariadna, Lieder des Lichtes, Vysocina Paths, I am an Island, Ave Maria, Song of Emmy Destinn, Song of Songs, Traces of Saints; and instructive music for children. Publisher: Editio Supraphon [now Baerenreiter], Panton [now Schott].
Zdenka Vaculovicova [22.9.1946]. Studied composition with Zdenek Zouhar at the Janacek Academy of Performing Arts in Brno. Her oeuvre includes chamber music, organ and piano music, oratorios, psalms, and masses.
Ilsa Weber(ova) [1903-1944]. Poet, writer of children's books and Czech Radio producer, Weber also composed songs. During the WWII she was imprisoned in Terezin and later transported to Auschwitz where she and her son were executed in 1944.
Katerina Zlatnikova [1939]. Dulcimer player who also composes for her instrument.

Continue with composers born after 1950

Database by © 1999-2025 Karla Hartl is a part of the Kapralova Society internet project dedicated to women in music.