
© Karla Hartl

For information on recordings and sheet music visit discography and edition.

Abbreviations and names used in this catalogue:

Acc-accordion; ar–arpga; B-bass; Bs.Cl.-bass clarinet; B.D.-bass drum; Bn.-bassoon; Cbsn-contrabassoon; Cel.-celesta; Cl.-clarinet; Cym.-cymbals; D.B. (Cb.)-double bass (contrabass); E.H.-English horn; Glock.-glockenspiel; Hn.-French horn; Fl./fl.-flute; Ob./ob.-oboe; Perc.-percussion; pf, pno.-piano; Picc.-piccolo; S.D.-snare drum; T-T-tam-tam; Tamb.-tambourine; Tba.-tuba; Timp.-timpani; Tpt.-Trumpet; Tbn.-trombone; Trg., trgl.-triangle; VC./vc.-violoncello; Vla/vla-viola; Vn./vn.-violin, Xyl.-xylophone.

music sample-sample mp3; Agraf-autograph; Agraf frg–fragment of autograph Facs–facsimile of autograph; arr.-arrangement, arranged by; AV-audio-video recording; CD-compact disc; Dur-duration; E-digital transcript of a score; Ed-published; FLAC–digital recording; Frg-fragment; G-LP recording; MG-sound recording; MP3-digital recording; MS–manuscript (copyist copy); R.Ms–reconstructed score; op-opus; sch-sketch.

AB-Alexandra Boucher (Sasenka Pucova); ADM-Antonin Dvorak Museum (Prague, Czech Republic); Alba-Alba Records, Finnish label; Albany Records-independent U.S.label; Amos Editio-sheet music publisher (Prague, CR; Analekta-independent Canadian label; ArcoDiva-independent Czech label (Prague, CR); ArsP-Ars Produktion; BBC-BBC Radio 3; BC-Brno Conservatory; BlueG-Blue Griffin Recording; BM-Bohuslav Martinu; BMI-Bohuslav Martinu Institute (Prague, CR); Brno Radiojournal-until 1938 the name of CRO-Bo; CBC-CBC 2; Cedille-Cedille Records, an independent US label based in Chicago; Centaur Records-independent U.S. label; Certosa Verlag-German sheet music publisher based in Klein-Winternheim; Chandos-British label; CHF-Czech Music Fund (1953-present); cond.-conductor; cpo-German classical label; CR-Czech Republic; CRo-Czech Radio: a national broadcaster; also a sheet music publisher and a label (Radioservis); CRo-Bo-Czech Radio (Brno); CRo-O-Czech Radio (Ostrava); CRo-P-Czech Radio (Prague); Cs-Bm-Moravian Museum of Brno; CTV-Bo-Czech Television (Brno); CTV-P-Czech Television (Prague); DbP-DB Productions; EA—EuroArts; Editio Praga-sheet music publisher based in Prague (in operation from 1993-2000); Editio Supraphon-sheet music publisher based in Prague (ended operation in 1993); Egge-Verlag-German sheet music publisher based in Coblenz am Rhein; Eva-Eva: Journal of Modern Woman, published by Melantrich during 1928-1943; FHR-First Hand Records; GEN-Genuin Classics, a label based in Leipzig, Germany; H, HM, HMUB or Edition HM-Hudebni Matice Umelecke Besedy (Czech sheet music publisher in Prague, 1871-1949); GP-Grand Piano (imprint of Naxos); HAMU-Prague Academy of Music; HNE–HNE Digital (Austrian label); IBS-IBS Classical; JAMU-Janacek Academy of Performing Arts; JMA-Japan Martinu Association; JS - Jolana Sopovova (author of biography of Jiri Mucha, publ. 2011); KE-Kapralova' estate (Brno); Koch, Koch Records-Koch International Classics (New York); KS-Kapralova Society; LM-Leaf Music; LN-Lidove noviny (Czech daily); Melantrich, Edition Melantrich-Prague Publishing House (1898-1999); ME-Mucha's estate (Prague); Melpa-Melantrich-Pazdirek (1936-1949); Muses Trio-Australian ensemble; MZK-Moravian Regional Library (Brno); NMCMH-National Museum Czech Museum of Music; Northeastern Records-discontinued label based in Boston, MA; ORC-Orchid Classics (British label); Orpheus-Orpheus Classical (Spanish label); OSE-Otakar Sourek Estate; Pazdirek, Edition Pazdirek-sheet music publisher from Brno (1919-1949); PBM-Pamatnik Bohuslava Martinu/Bohuslav Martinu Memorial (now Bohuslav Martinu Center) in Policka; Pritomnost-society for contemporary music in Prague (1924-1949; revived in 1990); primTON-German classical label; Program D40-Journal for Contemporary Theatre. Eds. Vladimir Holan, E.F.Burian (1939-1940); PROSP–Prospero Classical (Swiss label); RF-dm-Radio France Documentation Musicale; Rytmus-music journal published by Pritomnost (1935-1948); SPM-Self-Print Music, sheet music publisher (Brno, CR); Stylton-originally a label of CRO-O, now independent; Studio Matous-Czech independent label; Supraphon-the largest Czech label (formerly a state company, now private); Svoboda, Nakladatelstvi Svoboda-Prague Publishing House (1945-1998); Tempo-music journal published by HMUB (1922-1938 and 1947–1948); TGML-The T.G. Masaryk (Music) Library; Tomas Visek-Tomas Visek Recordings; Ultraphon-originally of Dutch prevenience, this historical label operated in Czechoslovakia between 1932-1945; Umelecka Beseda-founded in 1863 in Prague, abolished in 1972 by the Communist state (and revived in 1990); UMSM-University of Michigan School of Music; UMTV-University of Michigan Television; USO-University Symphony Orchestra (University of Michigan); WTAMU-West Texas A&M University; WTR-Wave Theory Records, an independent British label; YAR-Yarlung Records, a California based label.

Works' Details and History

Childhood Compositions | Z mojich nejranejsich skladeb. Piano. 1924-1925. Parts: 1. V risi baji (In the realm of fairy tales). 2. Valka (War). 3. V myslenkach (In thoughts); 4. Pristav (Harbour). Touha (Longing); 6. Po bitve belohorske (After the battle of White Mountain). 7. Na dalekou cestu (Before a long journey). (1-4) childhood pieces Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.731], TGML. Ed: (7) Pazdirek (1925/1926); (1-7) Amos Editio (2003). First known performance by Ludmila Novotna at the concert organized by the Czechoslovak Women's Union in Brno-Kralovo Pole on 1.6.1950.

Valse triste. Piano. 1927. Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.731]. Ed: Amos Editio (2003). First known performance by Ludmila Novotna at the concert organized by the Czechoslovak Women's Union in Brno-Kralovo Pole on 1.6.1950.

To Mother | Maticce. Three children's voices. 1928. Text: Jan Neruda (Kniha versu, 1867). childhood pieces Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.731]. Ed: KS (2015). Premiered by a choir of women prisoners, conducted by Vaclav Kapral, at the internment camp in Svatoborice (now CR) during the WWII.

Piano Miniature | Klavirni miniatura. Piano. 1929. Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 31.687]. Ed: KS (2015). AV: childhood pieces (2018). Premiered as a theme to Six Variations on a Theme by Vita Kapralova, composed and performed by Erik Entwistle at the Schein Performance Hall, Sanibel, Florida on 3.3.2018.

First school assignments | Prvni skolni prace. Piano. 1930-1931. 10 piano sketches and miniatures composed Nov.1930-Spring 1931. Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.732].

Songs | Pisne. Voice and piano. 1931. An incomplete cycle of originally three songs, possibly to Kapralova's own texts. Dur. 3'19". youtube 1. Potkali se vcera lide dva (Two people met yesterday). 2.(?) 3. Az jednoho dne se budes ptat (When you ask me one day). Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.756]. Ed: Amos Editio (2005). MG: BBC. CD: ORC (2021); ArcoDiva (2025). First concert performance (1) by Shenika John Jordan (soprano) and John Elam (pno.) at the Britton Recital Hall, University of Michigan, USA, on 20.9.2015, and (3) by Christabel Nunoo (soprano) and John Elam (pno.) at the Britton Recital Hall, University of Michigan, USA, on 20.9.2015. Recorded for the BBC Radio 3 (Composer of the Week) by Olena Tokar (soprano) and Igor Gryshyn (pno.) and premiere broadcast on 12.10.2015.

Suite en miniature, op. 1 | Piano/Chamber orchestra. 1931/1935. Piano version. Parts: 1. Maestoso. 2. Cantabile moderato. 3. Andante. 4. Tempo di menuetto. Agraf: (3) Cs-Bm [A 29.732 (the early version)], (1-4) [A 29.733]. Arr. for guitar (Dvoracek, 2021). CD: cpo (2024). Premiered by Milada Blahova at the Brno Conservatory on 18.4.1932. Orchestral version. menuetto Parts: 1. Praeludium, 2. Pastorale, 3. Ukolebavka (Lullaby), 4. Menuetto . Dur: 10'30". Scoring: Praeludium: strings. Pastorale: fl(2), ob, cor.ingl., cl(2), fg(2), F-cor(2). Ukolebavka (Lullaby]: fl, ob, B-cl, fg, F-cor and strings. Menuetto: fl, ob, B-cl, F-cor, C-tr, timp., trgl, ptti, ar, strings. Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.720]. MG: CRO-Bo. Ed: CRo (2018). CD: Naxos (2021). MP3: CRo (2018). Premiered by the Brno Radiojournal Ensemble conducted by Theodor Schaefer in Brno Radiojournal on 7.2.1936.

Funeral March | Smutecni pochod, op. 2. Piano. 1932. Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.733]. CD: Radioservis (2012). Premiered by Milada Blahova at the Brno Conservatory on 18.4.1932.

Five Piano Compositions | Pet klavirnich skladeb. Piano. 1932. Dur: 12'. youtube Parts: 1. Maestoso. 2. Cantabile-moderato. 3. Andante con moto. 4. Tempo di menuetto. 5. Tempo di marcia funebre. Ms: KE. Ed: Amos Editio (2011). CD: Koch Records (2008), Naxos/Grand Piano (2017). Premiered by Milada Blahova at the Brno Conservatory on 18.4.1932.

Two Compositions for Violin and Piano | Dve skladby pro housle a klavir, op. 3. Violin and piano. 1932. (1) Legend. Originally entitled Nalada (Mood). Dur: 6'50". Legend Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.742]. Ed: Amos Editio (2009). MG: CRO-Bo, CRO-P, KS, UMSM. CC: JMA. AV: UMTV. CD: Koch Records (2008); Delos Music (2019). MP3: Kapralova Society (2016); CRo (2018). | (2) Burlesque. Dur: 4'10". Burlesque Agraf: Cs-Bm [A29.743]. Ed: Pazdirek (1933), Amos Editio (2009). MG: CRO-Bo, CRO-P, KS, UMSM. AV: UMTV. CD: Koch Records (2008). MP3: Kapralova Society (2016); CRo (2018). Both Legend and Burlesque were premiered by Jan Lorenc (violin) and Frantisek Jilek (pno.) at Novy Domov in Brno on 9.5.1933.

Two Songs | Dve pisne, op. 4. Voice and piano. 1932. Dur: 5'. Suitable for soprano/tenor or lyric mezzo. Text: R. Bojko (Proste kvety, 1924). Parts: Morning 1. Jitro (Morning); 2. Osirely (Orphaned). Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 41.512]. Ed: Amos Editio (2005). MG: BBC. CD: Supraphon (2003). Hi-Res: Cedille (2024); (arr. oboe and pno.) LM (2025). Premiered by Milada Musilova (voice) and Frantisek Vrana (pno.) at Novy domov in Brno on 5.12.1933.

Sparks from Ashes | Jiskry z popele, op. 5. Voice and piano. 1932. Cycle of four songs. Dur: 11'29". Suitable for soprano/tenor, or lyric mezzo. Text: Bohdan Jelinek (Spisy Bohdana Jelinka, 1880). Parts: 1. Ty stare pisne v dusi zni mi (Those old melodies echo in my soul), Dur: 2'48". 2. Jak na hedvabny mech jsem hlavu kladl na bila nadra tva (Like on silk moss I laid my head on your white bosom), Dur: 2'30". 3. O, zustan jeste moje divko draha (Oh, stay yet, my dear girl), Dur: 2'57". 4. A tahnou myslenky teskne (Melancholy thoughts), Dur: 3'54. Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.748, A 40.596]. Ed: Amos Editio (2005). CD: Supraphon (2003). Premiered by Freda Herseth (mezzo-soprano) and Timothy Cheek (pno.) at the Britton Recital Hall, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, on 24.1.2002.

January | Leden. Voice and quintet. 1933. Dur: 4'25". January Scoring: soprano/tenor, fl., 2 vn., vc., pno. Suitable for soprano/tenor or lyric mezzo (the range is an octave and a sixth: B below middle C to G-sharp, with most of it in the middle register). Text: Vitezslav Nezval (Zpatecni listek, 1933). Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.727]. Ed: Amos Editio (2005). CD: Supraphon (2003); ArcoDiva (2025). Premiered by Caroline Helton (soprano), Amy Porter (flute), Stephen Shipps and Andrew Jennings (violin), Anthony Elliott (violoncello), and Timothy Cheek (pno.) at the Britton Recital Hall, University of Michigan School of Music on 19.1.2003. See this analysis of the song.

Sonata appassionata, op. 6. Piano. 1933. Dur: 17'. image Parts: 1. Maestoso. 2.Theme and Variations (Theme: Andante cantabile. Variations: 1.Piu mosso, 2.Scherzando, 3.Con moto, 4.Vivace, 5.Largo. 6.Vivo). Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.736]. Ed: Amos Editio (2006). CD: Koch (2008), Stylton Records (2010), Radioservis (2011), Naxos/Grand Piano (2017), Alba Records (2023); BlueG (2023). MP3: Wave Theory Records (2018). Premiered by Frantisek Jilek at the Brno Conservatory concert in Besedni dum in Brno on 1.6.1934.

Piano Concerto in D Minor | Koncert pro klavir a orchestr d-moll, op. 7. 1934-1935. Dur: 20'32. January Scoring: Pno, Picc., 2 Fl., 2 Ob., 2 B-flat Cl., 2 Bn., 4 Hn., 3 C Tpt., 3 Tbn., Timp., Trg., T-T, Cymb., Harp, Strings. Parts: 1. Allegro entusiastico. 2. Largo. 3. Allegro. Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.716a]. Ms(score): Cs-Bm [A 29.716b,d], BC (Allegro entusiastico); (pno. part): Cs-Bm [A 40.598], JAMU; BC (Allegro entusiastico). ED: CRo (2014). MG: CRo-P (2010). CD: Radioservis (2011, 2016); Naxos (2021); cpo (2024). First movement was premiered by the Brno Conservatory Orchestra with Ludvik Kundera (pno.) and Vitezslava Kapralova (conductor) at the 3rd graduation concert of the Brno Conservatory at the Stadion Hall in Brno on 17.6.1935. The complete work was premiered by Ludvik Kuncera (pno.) and the Brno Radiojournal Orchestra conducted by Kapralova in Brno Radiojournal on 15.10.1936. For information about the work see this journal.

Two Posies (also Two Small Bouquets of Flowers) | Dve kyticky. Piano. 1935. Dur: 3'. Two miniatures for piano. Parts: Morning 1. Kyticka fialek (Posy of violets). Morning 2. Kyticka svatych listu (Posy of fallen leaves), also as Podzimni listi (Autumn leaves). Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.734]. Ed: Certosa Verlag (2011). CD: Naxos/Grand Piano (2017), EA (2022). MP3: ARSP (2024). Premiered by Nicholas Susi at the University of Michigan Britton Recital Hall in Ann Arbor, USA, on 24.9.2015.

String Quartet | Smyccovy kvartet, op. 8. 1935-1936. String quartet. Dur: 22'21" (uncut original). Parts: 1. Con brio. 2. Lento. 3. Allegro con variazioni. Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.728]. Ms (parts): KE, CHF, JAMU. Ed: CRo (2009). MG: CRO-Bo, CRO-P; CD (cut versions): Studio Matous (1998), ArcoDiva (2006); CD (uncut): Radioservis (2012). MP3, FLAC: CRo (2014). Premiered by Moravian Quartet in Brno on 5.10.1936. Performers, read these important notes.

Grotesque Passacaglia | Groteskni passacaglia. Piano. 1935. Dur: 2'25". music sample Agraf: presumed lost. Ed: Tempo XV/6 (1935), Amos Editio (2010). CD: Tomas Visek (2001), Stylton (2010), Naxos/Grand Piano (2017). First performance unknown.

Three Piano Pieces | Tri klavirni kusy, op. 9. Piano. 1935. Dur: 8'32". Parts: 1. music sample Praeludium. Dur: 4'03". 2. Raci kanon (Crab canon). Dur: 1'25". 3. Scherzo Passacaglia. Dur: 3'05". Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.737]. Ed: Amos Editio (2010). CD (1,2): Stylton (2010), Naxos/Grand Piano (2017); (complete): Radioservis (2011). Premiered by Karel Solc at the Pritomnost Society concert in Umelecka Beseda Hall in Prague on 23.10.1936.

Little song | Pisnicka. Piano. 1936. Dur: 1'30". image Agraf: presumed lost. Ed: Melpa (1936), Kapralova Society (2011). MG: CRO-Bo, BBC. CD: Koch Records (2008), Naxos/Grand Piano (2017). First performance unknown.

Sad Evening | Smutny vecer. Voice and orchestra. 1936. Dur: 3'32". mp3 Scoring: soprano/tenor, 2 Fl., 2 Ob., 2 B-flat Cl., 2 Bn., 4 Hn., Cel., Cym., Strings. A version for voice and piano mp3 Text: Kapralova? Agraf: Cs-Bm [A29.725]. E: USO (orch. completed Timothy Cheek). Ed(voice, pno.): Amos Editio (2011); (voice, orchestra): CRo (2016). MG (voice, pno.): BBC. MP3 (voice, pno.): The Art Song Project (2013). CD: Naxos (2021). The voice and piano version was premiered by Kimberly Haynes (soprano) and Timothy Cheek (pno.) at the Weidner Center for the Performing Arts, University of Wisconsin at Green Bay, USA, on 19.11.2011. It was first recorded by Helene Lindqvist and Philipp Vogler and released as part of their Art Song Project. The original orchestral version was premiered by Nicholas Phan (tenor) and the University Symphony Orchestra conducted by Kenneth Kiesler at the Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor, United States, on 25.9.2015.

An Apple from the Lap | Jablko s klina, op. 10. Voice and piano. 1934-1936. Cycle of four songs. Dur: 8'43". Suitable for medium voice (range: middle C to high G). Text: Jaroslav Seifert (Jablko s klina, 1933). Parts: 1. Pisen na vrbovou pistalku (Song on a willow whistle). Lullaby 2. Ukolebavka (Lullaby). 3. Bezvetri (Calm). 4. Jarni pout (Spring fair). Agraf: Cs-Bm [A29.747]. Ed: (2) Eva 1936/4; (1-4) HMUB (1938), Amos Editio (2005). CD: Supraphon (2003); Orpheus (2021). MP3: Kapralova Society (2016). Hi-Res: Cedille (2024). Premiered by Masa Fleischerova (voice) and Ludvik Kundera (pno.) at the concert of Pritomnost Society in Prague on 17.12.1936. Read this analysis of the cycle.

Military Sinfonietta | Vojenska symfonieta, op. 11. Symphony orchestra. 1936-1937. Dur: 14'35". music sample Scoring: Picc., 2 Fl., 2 Ob., E.H., E-flat Cl., 2 B-flat Cl., Bs. Cl., 2 Bn., Cbsn., 6 Hn., 3 B-flat Tpt., 3 Tbn., Tba., Timp., Glock., Xyl., tubular bells, Cel., S.D., B.D., Tamb., T-T, Cym., Trg., Pno., Harp, Strings. Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.722]; Agraf (1936 orch. reduction pno.): RF-dm [Aa1049]. Ed: Melantrich (1938), CHF (1958), CRo (2005). G: Supraphon (1959); CD: Studio Matous (1998), Radioservis (2016), Naxos (2021), cpo (2024). MP3, FLAC: CRo (2014), Supraphon (2015). Premiered by the Czech Philharmonic under the baton of the composer, at a concert organized by the National Women's Council in Lucerna Hall in Prague on 26.11.1937.

Forever | Navzdy, op. 12. Voice and piano. 1936-1937. Cycle of three songs. Dur: 7'36". Suitable for high voice (range: middle C to high A). Text (1,2): Jan Carek (Hvezdy na nebi, 1934) and (3) Jaroslav Seifert (Jablko s klina, 1933). Parts: image 1. Navzdy (Forever), Dur: 2'30". (Two versions: (1) voice and piano (1936-37); (2) voiceband and orchestra (1939?). Scoring: Fl., Ob., B-flat Cl., Hn., Trg., S.D., harp, Vn., Vc.) 2. Cim je muj zal (What is my sorrow), Dur: 3'. image 3. Ruce (Hands); also as: Pisen jednoho vecera (Song of one evening), Dur: 2'. Agraf(1-3): Cs-Bm [A 29.724]; (2)[A 55.014]; voiceband version [A 40.597]. Ed: HM (1949), Amos Editio (2005). MG: BBC. CD: Supraphon (2003), Centaur (2008), Gramola (2018), ORC (2021); arr. (vc, pno) Chandos (2022). Hi-Res: Cedille (2024). First known concert performance of the cycle was given by Jarmila Vavrdova (soprano) and Frantisek Vrana (pno.) at the Umelecka Beseda in Prague on 9.11.1937; premiere broadcast: Prague, 3.10.1937.

Ostinato fox. Piano. 1937. Dur: 2'. Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.735, A 39.868]. Ed: SPM (2007). CD: Naxos/Grand Piano (2017). First known performance by Virginia Eskin at the Beth El Temple Center in Belmont, MA on 25.1.2009.

Three small piano pieces for children | Tri klavirni skladbicky pro deti. Piano. 1937. Three piano miniatures. Parts: 1. Jarni popevek (Spring tune). 2. Prvni bol (First sorrow). 3. Ukolebavka (Lullaby). Agraf: presumed lost. (1) and (2) premiered on 31.5.1937 in Prague by a pupil of R. Sichova.

April Preludes | Dubnova preludia, op. 13. Piano. 1937. Four piano preludes. Dur: 9'30". april preludes Parts: 1. Allegro ma non troppo. 2. Andante. 3. Andante semplice. 4. Vivo. Agraf: presumed lost. Ed(complete): HMUB (1938); (1) HM (1947), (2) Schott (2022), (3) Editio Praga (1999). Arr.(1–4) Josef Ceremuga for piano trio (CHF, 1976); arr.(3–4) by Stephane Egeling for reed trio (2011). G (1,3): Ultraphon (1947); (1-4) Supraphon (1975). CD: Northeastern Records (1992); Studio Matous (1998); Koch (2008); Stylton (2010); DbP (2016); GP (2017); WTR (2018); ArsP (2019); IBS (2021); FHR (1,3) (2022); EA (2022); Analekta (2023); YAR (2023); Alba (2023). MP3/FLAC, Hi-res: Supraphon (2014), Kapralova Society (2016), CRo (2018), GEN (2025). Premiered by Dana Setkova at the Pritomnost Society concert in Prague on 5.10.1937.

Waving Farewell | Sbohem a satecek, op. 14. Versions: Sbohem a satecek (1) Voice and piano (1937). Sbohem a satecek (2) Voice and orchestra (1938). Scoring: soprano/tenor, 2 Fl., 2 Ob., 2 B-flat Cl., Bs. Cl., 2 Bn., 4 Hn., 2 C Tpt., Timp., Perc., Pno., Strings. Dur. 6'. Suitable for higher voice (range: B to high A, with optional high A-sharp, ff). Text: Vitezslav Nezval (Sbohem a satecek, 1934). Agraf (1,2): Cs-Bm [A 29.749 a-d]. Ms (2): CRo-Bo. Ed (1): HMUB (1947), Amos Editio (2005). (2) CRo (2023). G (2): Supraphon (1975). CD (1): Stylton (1996), Supraphon (2003), Orpheus (2021); (2) Studio Matous (1998), Naxos (2021), cpo (2024). Hi-Res: Cedille (2024). (1) Premiered by Jarmila Vavrdova (soprano) and the author (pno.) at Victoria College in Prague on 19.6.1937; (2) Premiered by Marie Reznickova and Zemske Theatre Orchestra with Rafael Kubelik (conductor) in Brno on 31.10.1940.

Carol | Koleda. Voice and piano. 1937. Text: Slovakian carol "V trni vrabce cvirikaju". Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.753]. Ed: LN, Christmas 1938; Amos Editio (2005). CD: Supraphon (2003). First concert performance: Irene Maessen (soprano) and Marja Bon (pno.) at the Jagthuis Festival, Nederhost den Berg, the Netherlands, on 26.5.2006.

Christmas wishes | Vanocni prani. Piano. 1937. Five miniatures for piano. Agraf: unknown.

Ilena, op. 15. Cantata for soli, mixed chorus, orchestra, and narrator. 1937-1938. Dur: 25'. Scoring: S solo, T solo, B solo, SATB, reciter, Picc., 2 Fl., 2 Ob., 2 B-flat Cl., 2 Bn., 4 Hn., 2 C Tpt., 3 Tbn., Tba., Trg., Timp., Tamb., Cym., Pno., Harp, Strings. Text: L'udmila Podjavorinska (Balady, 1931). Four-part orchestral ballad-cantata: Part 1. Part 2. (Choruses). Part 3. (Melodrama). Part 4. Agraf (piano reduction and frg orch. score): Cs-Bm [A 29.723]. R.Ms: JAMU (orchestration Martin Kostas, 2007); Ed: CRo (2020). Premiered by Brno Academic Choir and Gaudeamus Brno Choir conducted by Katarina Maslejova and by Brno Philharmonic conducted by Ondrej Tajovsky, with soloists Irena Lukacova (soprano), Vaclav Barth (tenor), Martin Frybort (baritone) and Roman Groszmann (reciter) in Besedni dum in Brno on 31.5. 2007. Read this detailed description and analysis of the work.

Trio for oboe, clarinet and bassoon | Trio pro dechove nastroje. Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon. 1937-1938. Unfinished. Variations Agraf (Frg.): Cs-Bm [A 29.758]. R.Ms: Stéphane Egeling (2011), Dur. 9'. Ed: Egge-Verlag (2011); CD: CRo (2023). Premiered by Trio Lézard at the Mitte Europa Festival, Decin Castle, Decin, Czech Republic, on 22.6.2011.

Variations sur le carillon de l'église St-Etienne-du-Mont, op. 16. Piano. 1938. Dur: 8'30". Variations Parts: Theme (Andante). Variations: 1. Piu vivo. 2. Allegretto. 3. Lento ma non troppo. 4. Quasi etude vivo. 5. Choral. 6. Allegro, Coda (Andante maestoso). Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.739]. Ed: La Sirene Editions Musicales (1938), re-listed in Max Eschig's 2001 piano catalogue. MG: CRO-Bo, KS, CBC. AV: CTV-Bo. CD: Koch (2008), Radioservis (2011), Naxos/GP (2017). MP3: Kapralova Society (2016); CRo (2018). Premiered by Ludvik Kundera in Brno on 27.3.1938.

Two Choruses for Women's Voices | Dva zenske sbory, op. 17. Women's choir a cappella. 1936-1938. Text: Ondrej Prikryl (Hanacky pesnicke, 2nd ed., 1928). With a White Kerchief Parts: 1. "Vezdicka" (1936-1937). 2. "Potpolis" (1937-1938). Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.730]. Ed (2): Editio Supraphon (1976); (complete): CRo (2019). Hi-res: KS (2023). CD: ArcoDiva (2025). First known performance of Vezdicka by the Vitezslava Kapralova Women's Choir conducted by Miroslav Krcma and with Vera Baborovska (pno.) in Brno-Kralovo Pole on 23.1.1955. First known performance of both choruses: by Commotio Choir conducted by Matthew Berry at the St. John the Evangelist in Oxford, UK on 9. 6. 2018.

Anthem of the Volunteer Nurses of the Czechoslovak Red Cross | Hymna dobrovolnych sester Ceskoslovenskeho cerveneho krize. Two female voices and piano. 1938. Text: Pavla Krickova. Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.755]. Premiere unknown. First (known) public performance by Shenika John Jordan (soprano), Christabel Nunoo (soprano), and John Elam (pno.) at the University of Michigan Britton Recital Hall in Ann Arbor, USA, on 20.9.2015.

Seconds of the Year | Vteriny roku, op. 18. Voice and piano. 1936-1939. Collection of 7 songs and a piano interlude. Dur: 13'16". Best suited for soprano/tenor, some for lyric mezzo. Listed in chronological order, to be performed in this order: 2, 4, 3, 7, 6, 5, 8, 1. | 1. "Bilym satkem mava kdo se louci" (Waving farewell with a white kerchief). Also known as: K novemu roku (For the New Year). Dur: 1'10". Text: Jaroslav Seifert (Postovni holub, 1929). 2. "Novorocni" (New Year's Song). Dur: 0'56". Text: Josef Hora ("Kdyz straze sve cas vymenuje". 1937). 3. "Velikonoce" (Easter). Dur: 1'20". Text: Frana Sramek (Nove basne, 1928). 4. "Pisen nedozniva" (The song fades away). Also known as "Leta mlci leta jdou" (The years pass in silence) and "Tatovi k narozeninam" (For my dad's birthday). Dur: 1'52". Text: Frana Velkoborsky. 5. "Posmrtna variace" (Posthumous variation). Piano interlude. Dur: 1'11". Theme: Folk song "Taticku stary nas" (Our old dad). 6. "Rodny kraj" (Native region). Also known as: Letni (Summer song). Dur: 2'50". Text: Jan Carek (Hvezdy na nebi, 1934). 7. "Koleda milostna" (Love carol). Also known as: Pisen milostna (Love song). Dur: 1'37". Text: Moravian folk song (Moravske narodni pisne, ed. Frantisek Susil, 1859). 8. Muj mily clovece "Muj mily clovece" (My dear man). Dur: 1'55". Text: Moravian folk song (Moravske narodni pisne, ed. Frantisek Bartos, 1889). Agraf (1-8): Cs-Bm [A29.752]. Ed: (2) Melantrich (1937); (3,5) LN (28.3.1937, 18.9.1937); (7) Editio Supraphon (1974, 1998); (8) Program D40 (24.10.1939); (1-8) Amos Editio (2005). MG (1-4): BBC. CD (7): Studio Matous (1998); Gramola (2018). (1-8): Supraphon (2003). Premiered by Jaroslava Vymazalova and Jaroslava Dobra (voice), and Jan Hus Tichy (pno.) at the Pritomnost Society concert in Prague on 26.11.1945. Read this analysis of the collection (pp. 7-10).

Suita rustica, op. 19. Suite from Czech folk songs and dances. Symphony orchestra. 1938. Dur: 15'. Suita rustica Scoring: Picc., 2 Fl., 2 Ob., 2 B-flat Cl., 2 Bn., 4 Hn., 2 C Tpt., 3 Tbn., Tba., Timp., Trg., Perc., Harp, Strings. Parts: 1. Allegro rustico. 2. Lento.Vivo.Lento. 3. Allegro ma non troppo. The suite quotes from Moravian, Slovak, Silesian and Czech folk songs. Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.721], OSE. Ed: CRo (2017). Ms: CRo-Bo. MG: CRO-Bo. G: Supraphon (1975). CD: Radioservis (2016), cpo (2024). MP3, FLAC: Supraphon (2014). Premiered by the Czech Radio Orchestra and Bretislav Bakala (conductor) in Brno on 16.4.1939.

Partita per pianoforte ed orchestra d'archi, op. 20. Piano and string orchestra. 1938-1939. Dur: 19'25". mp3 Parts: Allegretto energico. 2. Andantino. 3. Presto. Agraf: NMCMH (XXXVIII B 344), Cs-Bm (work in progress)[A 29.718]. Ed: Svoboda (1948), CRo (2006). G: Supraphon (1963), (1975). CD: Studio Matous (1998), Radioservis (2016), cpo (2024). MP3, FLAC: Supraphon (2014), (2015). AV: CTV-Bo. Premiered by Jan Erml (pno.) and the Czech Radio Orchestra conducted by Bretislav Bakala in Brno on 20.11.1941.

Elegy | Elegie. Violin and piano. 1939. Dur: 3'35". Elegy Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.744]. Ed: Amos Editio (2009). MG: CRo-P. AV: UMTV. CD: Koch Records (2008), Albany Records (2008), Muses Trio (2016); Slovart (2021) arr.fl, pno; primTON (2023) arr. sax, pno. MP3: Kapralova Society (2016); Hi-Res: CRo (2018), HNE (2025). Premiered by Jan Sedivka (violin) and Vitezslava Kapralova (pno.) at the Cercle International de Jeunesse in Paris on 28.2.1939.

To Karel Capek | Karlu Capkovi. Melodrama for reciter, violin, and piano. 1939. Dur: 4'. A version for reciter, flute, and piano, in German melodrama Text: Vitezslav Nezval, LN 28. 12.1938 (French trans. M.L. Hirsch). Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.757]. Ed: CRo (2011). G: Supraphon (5/12; 1983). MP3: CRo (2014), Supraphon (2016); CD: ArcoDiva (2025). Premiered by Vera Uhlirova (violin) and Vitezslava Kapralova (pno.) at the concert co-presented by the Association des Etudiants Tchécoslovaques and the Colonie Tchécoslovaque de Paris at the Office du Tourisme de Tchécoslovaquie in Paris on 15.2.1939.

Concertino for violin, clarinet and orchestra | Concertino pro housle, klarinet a orchestr, op. 21. 1939. Dur: 13'06". Concertino Scoring: violin, clarinet, and orchestra (2 Fl., 2 Ob., 2 B-flat Cl., 2 Bn., 4 Hn., 2 B-flat Tpt., 3 Tbn., Timp., Cym., Bell, Pno., Strings). Parts: 1. Andante ma non troppo. 2.–. 3. Vivo (unfinished). Orchestration (1) and (3) completed by Milos Stedron, (2) by Leos Faltus. Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.717]. Ed: Baerenreiter (2003). AV: CTV-Bo (rec. Pavel Busek, Pavel Wallinger, Czech Chamber Soloists, Tomas Hanus in Brno on 21.2.2001). CD: Radioservis (2016); Gramola (2018). The concert premiere was given by the Hradec Kralove Philharmonic conducted by Tomas Hanus, with soloists Pavel Busek (clarinet) and Pavel Wallinger (violin) in Hradec Kralove on 10.1.2002.

Sonatina. Violin and piano. 1939. Agraf: unknown.

Sung into the Distance | Zpivano do dalky, op. 22. Voice and piano. 1939. Dur: 6'40". Suitable for any voice. Text: Viktor Kripner (Svety beze jmena, 1938). Cycle of three songs: mp3 1. Pisen Tve nepritomnosti (Song of your absence). 2. Polohlasem (Under one's breath). Spring Song 3. Jarni (Spring song). Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.754]. Ed: Amos Editio (2005). CD: Supraphon (2003). Premiered by Ruzena Herlingerova and the composer in Paris on 30.6.1939.

In the Czech Land | V zemi ceske. Voice and piano. 1939. Text: Jan Carek (V zemi ceske [ms 1939, ed. 1942]). Agraf (sch): KE. Ms (arr. Zdenek Kanak for women's choir, 1954): MZK. Ed: Amos Editio (2005). CD: ArcoDiva (2025). Kanak's arrangement for women's choir and piano was first performed by Vitezslava Kapralova Women's Choir conducted by Miroslav Krcma and accompanied by Vera Baborovska (pno.) in Brno-Kralovo Pole on 23.1.1955. The original voice and piano version was premiered by Martha Guth (soprano) and Trevor Chartrand (pno.) at the Britton Recital Hall, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States, on 21.9.2015.

Song of the Workers of the Lord | Pisen delniku Pane. Voice and piano. 1939. Agraf: unknown. Ms: KE. Ed: Amos Editio (2005). CD: ArcoDiva (2025). Premiered by Kira Slovacek (soprano) and John Elam (pno.) at the Britton Recital Hall, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, on 20.9.2015.

March for orchestra | Pochod pro orchestr. 1939. Scoring: 2 Ob., 2 Cl., 2 Bn., 4 Hn., 2 C-Tpt., Tbn., Tba., Tamb., Cym., B.D., Pno., Vn., Vla., Vc. Agraf (sch): Cs-Bm [A29.758]. First performance (if any) is unknown.

Christmas Carol | Vanocni koleda "Chtic aby spal". Voice and piano. 1939. Dur: 1'13". Kapralova's arr. of the carol composed by Adam Vaclav Michna z Otradovic (Ceska marianska muzika, 1647). Agraf: Cs-Bm [A 29.751]. Ed: Amos Editio (2005). CD: Supraphon (2003). Premiere unknown. First known performance by Marta Vavrova (soprano) and Petr Vasicek (pno.) in Komensky Schule in Vienna, Austria, on 16.6. 2007.

Prélude de Noël. Chamber orchestra. 1939. Dur: 2'30". Christmas Prelude Scoring: 2 Fl., 2 Ob., Hn., Tpt., Pno., Harp, 4 Vn. I, 4 Vn. II, 3 Vc. Agraf: unknown current location. Ms (score and parts): RF-dm, CRo-Bo. Ed: CRo (2002); Portus Press [arr. wind quintet] (2023?). MP3, FLAC: CRo (2014). CD: Naxos (2021), cpo (2024). Recorded for and premiere broadcast as part of the Paris PTT Radio program "Noël à Prague," on 24.12.1939. First known concert performance: by West Texas A&M University Symphony Orchestra conducted by Douglas Morrisson at the West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Texas on 23.11.2003.

Two fanfares | Dve fanfary. (1) Fanfare for two horns, two trumpets and timpani. 1939. Scoring: 2 Hn, 2 C-Tpt, Timp. Concertino Agraf: PBM. Ed: KS (2015). CD: cpo (2024). Premiered by Andrew Gilliam and Chris O'Brien (trumpets) and Kathleen Patrick and Morgan Wynne (horns) at the Kapralova Festival, Britton Recital Hall, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, on 26.9.2015. (2) Slavnostni fanfara (Festive Fanfare). Piano. 1940. Dur. 0'25". Festive Fanfare Agraf: AB. Ms (arr. Vladimir Werner for brass quintet: Hn., 2 B-Tpt., Tbn., Tba): KE. Ed (pno.): KS (2016). CD: Naxos/Grand Piano (2017). As a brass quintet it was first performed by Stepan Ruda (tr), Vit Otahal (tr), Karel Valenta (cor), Stanislav Cajka (trbn), Martin Kupka (tb), Josef Cecava (conductor) at the Jiri Mahen Library in Brno on 14.12.2004.

Two Dances for Piano | Dva tance pro klavir, op. 23. Piano. 1940. Dur. 3'07". Dance for Piano Agraf(sch): Cs-Bm [A 29.741]. Ed.(1): KS (2020). Arr.(1): Giorgio Koukl (2016). CD(1): Naxos/Grand Piano (2017).

Opus 24. unknown. (possibly Krajiny / Landscapes for orchestra, 1940?)

Music for the stage, radio, and screen. 1940. (1) Stage music for Frantisek Langer's play Velbloud uchem jehly. Directed by Hugo Haas. Agraf: unknown. Premiere of the play took place at the Theatre des Arts in Paris on 29.3.1940; (it is unknown whether the production included Kapralova's music). Stage music for Lidove hry (Folk Plays). Directed by Karel Brusak. Agraf (frg): Cs-Bm [A 29.758]. Premiere unknown (1940?). (2) Radio music see Prélude de Noël. Also: Four miniatures for solo instruments and trio ensembles (opera dubiosa): 1. Le Cocher (2 Vn., Vc.). 2. Le Juif (2 Vn., Cb.). 3. Fanfare de l'église de Cracovie (Tpt.). 4. Le Mendiant (acc.). Agraf: RF-dm (IM169). Broadcast premiere of the four miniatures is unknown but possibly in January 1940. (3) Music for the screen: sketches for a 1940 French film adapt. screenplay by Guide Freud and Hugo Haas (not released). Agraf: unknown.

Tales of a Small Flute | Povidky male fletny. Flute and piano. 1940. Three miniatures. Agraf (1,2)(sch): Cs-Bm [A 29.746]. Agraf (3): unknown. Ed (Facs 1,2): JS (2011). Ed (1,2): Amos Editio (2014). Festive Fanfare Arr. for piccolo MP3/FLAC: PROSP (2023). Nos. 1 and 2 were premiered by Lucie Brotbek (flute) and Nadia Belneeva (piano) at the Flute Festival 2013 Freiburg, Germany, on 22.3.2013.

Letter | Dopis. Baritone and piano. 1940. Dur: 2'28". Text: Petr Kricka (Hoch s lukem, 1924). music sample Agraf: ME. Ed (Facs): Mucha (1988), Opus Musicum 98/4-5. Ed: Amos Editio (2005). CD: Supraphon (2003); ArcoDiva (2025). Premiered by Otto Kraus (baritone) and Vitezslava Kapralova (pno.) at the Ecole normale de musique in Paris on 4.5.1940.

Deux ritournelles pour violoncelle et piano, op. 25. 1940. Dur (1): 4'13". mp3 Agraf score: (1) Cs-Bm [A 29.745], cello part: KE. (2) Agraf frg: Cs-Bm [A 29.758]. Ed(1): Baerenreiter (2003). CD(1): Studio Matous (1998); Gramola (2018); Claves (2021); Radioservis (2023); primTON (2023) arr. sax, pno. MP3: Kapralova Society (2016); Radioservis (2023). (1) Premiered under the title Ritornello by Karel Neumann (violoncello) and Vilem Tausky (pno.) at the Czechoslovak Institute in London, UK, on 18.5.1941.